Dating Tips For Him,  Get Your Ex Back

What To Say To Get Your Ex Girl Back Fast?

In this article you’ll learn:

If you find yourself thinking about your ex-girlfriend every day, you may realize that you can’t move on. It is possible that you may have dated other women, but every time, she is constantly on your mind and every moment.

Getting her back might be the thing that keeps you up at night.

If that is the case, you may wonder how to start speaking with her again.

If the relationship ended badly, or even if it was amicable, it might be time to pursue a relationship once again.

Here are some simple steps that you can take to get back in touch with your ex-girlfriend and see if the relationship is possible.

What To Say To Get Your Ex Girl Back Fast?

Watch this 4 min’ video if you want to bring your girlfriend back

Remember Why You Broke Up

There will always be reasons that a person breaks up with someone else. If you were the one that ended the relationship, you need to remember how that happened.

It could have been habits that she had that were really annoying to you. She may have cheated on you, and if that is the case, you probably don’t want to get back together.

If both of you decided that you were completely different individuals, there might be a chance to revisit a relationship in the future.

Once you remember why you are not together, you can then decide whether it is a good decision to contact her once again.

What Should You Say To Her?

The first thing that you say to her is so very important. It can mean the difference between not receiving a text message back or having a full conversation.

If it was your fault that the relationship ended, that is not something you will want to bring up initially.

At first, simply say, “How have you been?” If you get a response, and it is positive, the conversation can go forward.

If you do not get any response at all, it is likely that she doesn’t want to speak with you ever again.

If it was your fault that the relationship ended, you may want to say, “I have changed and I want to talk.”

If she is still interested in having a relationship with you, she will respond to what you have texted.

Watch this 4 min’ video if you want to bring your Ex Girl back

Tell Her You Respect Her Feelings

It is so important for your ex-girlfriend to know that you still respect her feelings.

It might be why you are no longer together. You may have had other plans, or activities that you did come without including her in most of them.

If your life was busy, and you didn’t have time for her, you may want to address that as well. It’s so important to address the issue that you believe ended the relationship.

By doing so in full humility, you can show her indirectly that you respect her enough to take responsibility for the way the relationship ended.

Tell Her You Will Give Her More Space

Another reason that relationships end is hovering. In some cases, the man can be extremely jealous of the woman he is with. He may not want her to go to social gatherings, or interact with her friends, especially if other guys are going to be there.

If you do not trust her, then you should not get back into a relationship with this person.

However, if you can change your ways, you should tell her that you will.

If giving her more space is what will bring her back, you should tell her that and see if she will come back to you.

What To TEXT To bring Your Ex Girl Back Fast?

Tell Her How Much You Miss Her

This is one of the most important things that you can tell your ex-girlfriend.

They need to know that you are thinking of them and that you miss them. These are words that are often not shared between couples.

Whether it is difficult to do, or they never got around to it, these are words that can be so meaningful. If you do want to have her back in your life, she needs to hear this from you directly.

You can either do this in person or send it in a text message. Just knowing that images of this person are floating around in your thoughts is often enough to bring someone back into your life.


These are some of the things that you should say to your ex-girlfriend if you would like to get her back once again.

Some of these recommendations are very difficult to text or say, but it may help you get her back in your life. Regardless of who ended the relationship, if both of you still have feelings, these words can be so meaningful.

Start connecting with her today, and find out whether or not she also wants to be with you.

Learn this psychology ‘secret’ to bring your ex girlfriend back
