Get Your Ex Back

What to Do if Your Ex’s Friends Don’t Support Her Coming Back to You

It can be difficult to navigate a situation where your ex-girlfriend’s friends do not support her being with you again. But the fact that they do not approve or support, should not discourage you from trying.

Ex friends don't support her coming back to you

Here are a few things you can try:

  1. Respect their feelings: It’s important to remember that your ex-girlfriend’s friends care about her and want what is best for her. Even if you disagree with their assessment of the situation, it is important to try to respect their feelings. Don’t make them “enemies” as they have much more influence on her at this stage than you.
  2. Focus on your own actions: Instead of trying to convince your ex-girlfriend’s friends to support your relationship, try to focus on your own actions. If you can show them that you are committed to being a positive influence in your ex-girlfriend’s life, they may be more open to the idea of you being together. It might be easier to reach your ex, if you win over one or more of her friends and show them you are sincere and have changed or serious about the relationship.
  3. Seek support from other sources: If your ex-girlfriend’s friends are not supportive of your relationship, it can be helpful to seek support from other sources, such as family members, other friends that she has. These people can provide you with a supportive help or ideas and may be willing to pass on a message from you to help you navigate this difficult situation. Here is a professional guide how to win your ex back. Watch the video presentation to get insights which can increase your chances of success 10 fold!
  4. Have an open and honest conversation: If you feel comfortable doing so, you may want to try having an open and honest conversation with your ex-girlfriend’s friends. Let them know how much you care about your ex-girlfriend and explain why you believe that being together would be positive for both of you.

It’s important to remember that ultimately, the decision about whether to be with you again is up to your ex-girlfriend.

Even if her friends are not supportive, it is still possible for the two of you to have a successful relationship if she wants to be with you.

It might be more difficult to win your ex back if her immediate surrounding friends aren’t favoring you, but that does not mean it’s impossible. If you really love her, and want to win her back you have an obligation to yourself to do the maximum that is in your power to succeed.

If you need a blueprint to follow and feel you are obligated to succeed, check out this video presentation that will give you the step by step plan to win her back.