Get Your Ex Back

Tips On How To Get Your Ex Back Fast

Breakups are difficult, but they are even more difficult when you’re not the one who wanted to end the relationship.

If you’re finding yourself missing your ex partner and you want to get them back, then you might be in luck.

Here are some top tips on how to get your ex back fast.

Tips On How To Get Your Ex Back Fast

Be Persistent With Contact

In order to get your ex back, you need to keep yourself in their mind. The best way to do this is to be persistent with contact.

Persistent does not mean sending them message after message via social media, emails and/or text messaging. It also doesn’t mean to call them every single day, non-stop and leaving a ton of voicemails.

Being persistent means don’t give up, even if you think there is no chance or you’re getting cold signals at first.

A good strategy is to send a weekly message or bi-weekly message just making small talk or just to say a simply “hello, I hope you’ve had a good week”.

If you don’t hear anything back right away, then try again in another 1-3 weeks. It might take a good 3-5 months to finally get some sort of warm response back, but it is a good sign that they’re possibly ready to properly communicate with you.

Don’t Be Needy Or Jealous

This is very important: do not start getting needy or getting jealous because there is a good chance you’ll snoop at your ex’s social media profiles and will come across statuses and interactions between your ex and other people.

It’s likely just harmless discussions, joking around and things of that nature. If you want to blow any potential chance you have at getting back with your ex, then becoming jealous and extremely needy is a good way to do it.

If you feel as if you’re getting jealous or worked up looking at your ex’s social media, then stop yourself from looking.

As for being needy, this means do not hound your ex every chance you get. As previously mentioned, you want to be persistent, but you don’t want to bombard your ex with messages, calls, texts and what not.

Also, if your ex finally warms up to small chat with you, do not start talking about how bad you miss them and how you want them back because this could backfire very quickly.

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How To Get Your Ex Back Fast

Level Up The Respect

If your ex is the one that broke up with you, they probably were telling you certain things that bothered them. Lots of people ignore these things and they end up not changing their behavior.

One of the things people break up over the most is lack of respect. Think real hard about the different ways you might have not shown your ex respect, and make note of them.

Once a line of communication has finally opened up between you and your ex, avoid doing the things that were not respectful.

Don’t just do it to get your ex back, but do it for good. In other words, level up the amount of respect to your ex because once you guys get back together, it’ll be easier to maintain that level of respect.

For example, did you drink too much alcohol in the relationship? Did you have a habit of making sexist jokes or inappropriate jokes, say hurtful things, raised your voice or anything of that nature?

If so, then it’s time to work on those and actually show your former partner the respect they deserve. If you don’t, then you’ll lose them forever.

Work On Your Appearance & Confidence

There’s a massive difference between being confident and narcissistic or egotistical. It’s perfectly find to be confident, but do not come off as arrogant. Depending on your personality, this could take work.

Also, work on your appearance. There are lots of different ways to do this, but doing so will show your ex that you are capable of changing.

You can change your appearance by exercising regularly, using skin enhancing products such as lotions, hair thickening products or changing your entire fashion.

Choose three ways to change your appearance, and eventually your ex will take notice and you’ll probably receive a positive response from them.

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Remain Calm At All Times

Nothing will scare your ex more than you not being calm after a few weeks of being broken up. The same goes if you guys have been broken up for months.

As soon as you initiate contact, you need to maintain a level of calmness at all times, even when your ex is showing resistance.

Refrain from losing your cool with your ex because eventually your ex will notice just how calm you are being and they might be more open to communicating with you.

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Invite Them Out For Breakfast Or Lunch

After you have been speaking to your ex for a good few weeks, invite them out for breakfast or lunch. Inviting them for dinner is cliche and they might think you have ulterior motives.

Definitely don’t invite them back to your place because once again this could backfire on you.

Once the get-together has concluded, you should have a better idea of whether or not you actually have a solid chance of getting them back.

That is how to get your ex back fast. Remember, it might take days, weeks or even months to finally get your ex back.

Learn the text messaging ‘secret’ that will ignite his need to be around you.

However, once you finally have them back, you could end up enjoying a long and healthy relationship.
