Dating Tips For Her,  Get Your Ex Back,  Happy Marriage

Sneaky Tips to Make Him Want You More

It’s one thing to catch a guy’s interest, and it’s another thing to keep him interested.

How can you make sure that the man that you want wants more of you?

If you want to learn how to drive a guy wild, and if you want to boost your self-confidence, just stick to these steps.

Is it Possible To Make a Man Fall In Love With You?

Make Sure You Look and Feel Your Best

If you want him to think that you’re the most beautiful woman in the world, you’ll need to make sure you feel beautiful.

Put extra effort into your appearance and wear clothing that makes you feel confident and comfortable. You don’t have to wear heels that are hard to walk in or squeeze yourself into a skintight dress.

Instead, you should wear clothing that you feel great in. Experiment with different makeup and hairstyles.

Before you go out, take the time to check yourself out in the mirror and remind yourself that you’re gorgeous.

influence boyfriend to love you more

Find Ways to Make Him Feel Like a Hero

Every man wants to feel like he saved the day. You don’t have to pretend to be a damsel in distress, but you should try to make him feel like he makes your life better. Show him that you appreciate everything that he does for you.

Don’t be afraid to ask the guy you’re interested in for help, even if you just need him to do something small.

Whether he helps you open a jar or finds a way to fix your laptop, you should make sure that he knows that you think he’s great.

Try to Surprise Him

A lot of guys lose interest because they get bored. That’s why you should try to keep your relationship from falling into a rut.

When you see him, try to do small things that he might not expect.

You don’t have to buy him lavish gifts. Even small surprises should be enough to keep him on his toes.

Write little notes for him to find later. Give him a surprise gift. Don’t stop putting it effort once you’re past the early stages of the relationship.

Keep looking for ways to bring excitement into your relationship. If you put real effort into the relationship, he’ll never get tired of being around you.

Get your man to want you more

Show Interest In the Things He’s Passionate About

You don’t have to pretend you’re into the things that he loves, but you should show him that you care about what he cares about. Listen to him talk about the things cares about. Ask him questions and show a real interest in the things that are important to him.

Be willing to try new things, even if they’re not the kinds of things that you would choose.

If he wants to go see a specific movie or watch a TV show that’s not really your thing, take a chance and watch it with him. You might wind up liking it more than you expected to.

Best of all, if you try the things he likes, he’ll be willing to try the things that you like too.

Don’t Be Too Available

If you always answer his texts immediately, and if you’re always free when he wants to hang out, he’ll start to take you for granted.

If you’re serious about a guy, you should never blow him off, but it’s okay if you’re not available all the time.

If he asks you to do something on Tuesday, you could tell him that you have plans with your friends and ask if Saturday’s okay.

If he texts you when you’re in the middle of making a sandwich, it’s okay to finish what you’re doing before you reply. Make sure he knows that he’ll have to put in effort if he wants to keep your interest.

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Give Him Real Compliments

While women are often used to receiving compliments, the same isn’t always true for men.

In fact, a lot of guys say that it’s rare for them to get any compliments at all. If you make a point of complimenting him, and if you make sure that those compliments are both specific and genuine, he won’t be able to get you out of his head.

There’s nothing wrong with stroking a guy’s ego, especially if you want to make him love being around you.

Pay close attention to him so that you can recognize when he makes his changes.

If you notice when he changes his hair, and if you tell him that his new look is great, you’ll make him weak in the knees.

How to make him want more of you

Cook for Him

If you really want to make a guy hard, you should find ways to make him imagine a life with you. Invite him over and treat him to a meal that you made yourself. You don’t have to be an expert chef to make him a delicious meal that he’ll love eating.

Cooking him great food can be a way to impress him, but it can also be a way to bring the two of you closer together. There’s something very intimate about cooking a meal for someone in your own home.

During your dinner, you’ll be able to share stories with each other, ask lots of questions, and build a foundation for a lasting relationship.

What are you willing to invest to revive the ‘spark’ with your ex?

Even if he wants you now, there’s no guarantee that he’ll feel the same way in the future.

If you want to make sure that he can’t get enough of you, follow these steps so that you can capture his heart and keep him hooked.
