Dating Tips For Him,  Happy Marriage,  Relationship Tips

She Will Never Want You Back If You TEXT Her THIS After Break Up

Here are five common mistakes that guys make after a breakup that may ruin their chances of winning back the girl.

If you are right now after a break up, or have been ditched by your girlfriend, here are the FIVE things you should avoid at all costs! They will ruin any chances you might had to get back with her and or to win her love back in the near future.

How to Get your Ex Back: Tips for Making it Work

Being overly aggressive or confrontational: Being overly aggressive or confrontational after a breakup can push your ex-girlfriend further away and may ruin your chances of getting back together.

Being too needy or clingy: Being too needy or clingy after a breakup can be overwhelming and may make your ex-girlfriend feel suffocated. It’s important to give her space and to respect her boundaries.

Not respecting her feelings or decisions: It’s important to respect your ex-girlfriend’s feelings and decisions, even if you don’t agree with them. If you try to force her to do something against her will, you may ruin your chances of getting back together.

Blaming her for the breakup: Blaming your ex-girlfriend for the breakup will not help to repair the relationship and may only serve to hurt her feelings. It’s important to take responsibility for your own actions and to try to understand her perspective.

Moving on too quickly: If you move on too quickly after the breakup, it may make your ex-girlfriend feel like you didn’t care about the relationship and may ruin your chances of getting back together. It’s important to give yourself time to heal and to be honest about your feelings.

If you want to win her back, don’t follow your instincts, they might take you down the wrong path.

Watch this video presentation if you are serious to win your ex girl back.

What Kind of Text Messages NOT to Send Her

If you send any of the text messages types below you will probably regret it when you cool down, but the damage will already be beyond repair.

There are a few types of text messages that would be inappropriate to send to your ex-girlfriend after a breakup:

Demanding or controlling messages

It’s important to respect your ex-girlfriend’s feelings and boundaries, and it is not appropriate to send demanding or controlling messages.

Demanding and controlling messages are text messages that try to exert power or control over the recipient. Here are a few examples of demanding and controlling messages:

  1. “You need to talk to me right now.”
  2. “You have to do what I say.”
  3. “You are not allowed to see other people.”
  4. “You need to answer my calls or texts immediately.”

Insulting or hurtful messages

Sending insulting or hurtful messages to your ex-girlfriend will not help to repair the relationship and will only cause further pain and conflict.

Insulting or hurtful messages are text messages that are meant to belittle or demean the recipient. Here are a few examples of insulting or hurtful messages:

  1. “You are a terrible person.”
  2. “I can’t believe I ever dated someone like you.”
  3. “You are too fat/ugly/stupid for anyone to want to be with you.”

Threatening messages

Threatening messages, whether they are physical threats or threats to harm oneself, are never appropriate and should be avoided.

Threatening messages are text messages that contain threats of harm or violence. Here are a few examples of threatening messages:

  1. “I will hurt you if you don’t do what I say.”
  2. “I will kill myself if you don’t come back to me.”
  3. “I will hurt anyone who tries to come between us.”

Repeated messages

If your ex-girlfriend has made it clear that she does not want to communicate with you, it is not appropriate to send repeated messages. It’s important to respect her wishes and to give her the space she needs.

Repeated messages are text messages that are sent over and over again, even after the recipient has made it clear that they do not want to communicate. Here are a few examples of repeated messages:

  1. “Please just talk to me, I’m sorry.”
  2. “I can’t stop thinking about you, please come back.”
  3. “I know you’re ignoring me, but I just need to talk to you.”
Dont text your ex girl all the time

It’s important to remember that it’s natural to have strong emotions after a breakup, but it’s important to communicate in a respectful and appropriate way. It’s best to take some time to process your feelings before reaching out to your ex-girlfriend, and to be mindful of the types of messages you are sending.

If you want to win her back, and are really serious about implementing the right techniques to succeed then you should follow this guide. Learn what to do to ignite her inner need for you. Watch this video presentation if you are serious to win your ex girl back.