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Saving an Ex Girlfriend From New Partner

Once you have broken up with a girl, you have no direct obligation to “save” her and protect her. As a grown person she is in charge of her own life and decisions even if it seem abusive from the outside.

Woman after break up because her man cheated on her

It even be possible that the interpretations you are giving to the situations are influenced by the fact that you have been the former partner. You might think you know what is best for her. Yet, she is an adult and has full responsibilities to her own actions and choices.

You must be clear and honest with yourself what are your intentions. They might be to save her from the other guy, or they might be to win her back. Both are fair causes, yet it is important to know which one drives your motive to step in.

Being Caring & Non Judgmental of Ex Girl

If your ex-girlfriend is being harassed by her new partner, it is important for her to seek help and support.

Here are a few things that you can do to support her and to potentially get her back.

Encourage her to seek help

If your ex-girlfriend is being harassed by her new partner, it is important for her to seek help as soon as possible. Encourage her to talk to a trusted friend, family member, or professional for support. You can also offer to go with her to seek help, such as by accompanying her to a counseling appointment or to a domestic violence hotline.

Being there for her might ignite her will to be back with you. Do not exploit the fact that she needs help. Just be there for her, and allow her to figure out her feelings toward you.

Be a supportive and non-judgmental listener

If your ex-girlfriend wants to talk to you about what she is going through, it is important to be a supportive and non-judgmental listener. Let her know that you are there for her and that you care about her. Avoid trying to solve her problems for her or telling her what to do.

She is an adult. She knows what best for her, even if from outside it does not seem that way.

Respect your ex girl decisions

It’s important to respect your ex-girlfriend’s decisions, even if you disagree with them. If she decides to stay with her new partner, it is important to respect her decision and to support her in any way that you can.

If she decides to leave her new partner, you can offer your support and help in any way that you can.

Encourage her to prioritize her safety

Above all, it is important for your ex-girlfriend to prioritize her safety. Encourage her to take steps to protect herself, such as by seeking a restraining order or by finding a safe place to stay.

Ultimately, the most important thing you can do to support your ex-girlfriend if she is being harassed by her new partner is to encourage her to seek help and to respect her decisions. It is also important to be a supportive and non-judgmental listener and to encourage her to prioritize her safety.

If you want to win her love back and are unsure how to ignite her desire for you, you may want to watch the video presentation and follow the suggested steps.

How to Get your Ex Back: Tips for Making it Work

Contacting your ex girl best friend?

It is generally not a good idea to contact your ex-girlfriend’s best friend without her permission, as this can be seen as intrusive or disrespectful. It is important to respect your ex-girlfriend’s boundaries and to allow her to make her own decisions about how to handle the situation with her new partner.

If you are concerned about your ex-girlfriend’s well-being and want to offer your support, it may be more effective to reach out to her directly. You can offer to listen and to be a supportive friend, and you can encourage her to seek help and to prioritize her safety.

If your ex-girlfriend is not open to talking to you or if you are concerned that she may be in danger, it may be appropriate to contact someone who can help, such as a trusted family member or a domestic violence hotline. It is important to respect your ex-girlfriend’s feelings and boundaries, and to be mindful of not overstepping your bounds.

There are proven ways you can take to increase the chances she will want to have you back. First watch the short video presentation then follow the guidelines to do it. It can be done while you offer your help to deal with the abusive partner.