Get Your Ex Back,  Relationship Tips

Is it Advisable to Text My Ex ‘I Miss You’?

While missing your ex is normal after a breakup, does that mean that you should send a text saying that you miss them? Hell, No!

Sending your Ex an I Miss you Text only makes you look like an emotional wreck, and no one wants a partner who looks messy.

Instead of texting that you miss them, why not turn tables and make them miss you instead. Luckily, there are plenty of ways you can make your ex miss you.

Read on and find out more.

If you are looking for a proven guided plan that helped hundreds of guys win their ex girl back, check this short video presentation.

6 Ways to Make Your Ex Miss You

  1. Stop Calling Your Ex

As they say, absence makes the heart grow fonder. Taking a few days without calling your ex gives her the chance to remember how sweet your relationship was. When you were together, she was already used to regular phone calls and messages.

Therefore, taking a step back and giving her a break from the phone calls will certainly make her miss you. More importantly, she will remember how nice it felt talking to you regularly. In the end, she might be the one to send you that ‘I miss you’ text.

  1. Keep Moving on With Your Life Even After the Breakup

When a relationship is over, it is tempting to spend all your hours thinking about your ex. However, do not fall into this trap, because you might end up calling her. As a result, you will look idle and unfocused, yet no woman wants a man without goals and a vision.

Therefore, make sure you keep your career, hobbies, and relationship with friends and family going. That way, your ex will find you more interesting and attractive. More importantly, the time you spend away from her as you focus on other aspects of your life will make her miss you.

  1. Try to Be a Little Mysterious

When you don’t immediately open up to your ex that you miss them, they speculate and imagine what you’re thinking. It is normal for women to want to know everything about someone they were passionate about. However, this does not mean that you start sending your ex all those boring messages about how you miss her.

Instead, allow them to sit and wonder what you’re up to now that you’ve broken up. This helps to build anticipation, excitement, and curiosity, all of which keep you interesting. As a result, she will always look forward to bumping into you, because there is still so much they want to know about you.

If you are serious in getting your ex girlfriend back, watch this presentation and take action.

  1. Always Make Spending Time with Your Ex Fun and Interesting

If you want your ex to miss you, take advantage of every time you bump into each other. You already know what she loves to do for fun. Therefore, always offer to do fun things like going for coffee whenever you bump into each other on the streets.

Unfortunately, most people end up confronting their exes on past issues whenever they meet. Be different and focus on creating memories and simply having fun. After all, no one wants to walk down memory lane when a breakup is concerned.

  1. Be The One She Can Talk To

Breaking up does not mean that you can no longer be friends with your ex. If you still want them back, always be there to listen to their problems whenever they need someone to talk to. Not only will this bring you closer as friends, but your ex will also start missing being in a relationship with you.

That said, always pick her calls whenever she calls to vent about anything like work or the kids you share. In some ways, she will be convinced that you still love her which will make her want you back.

  1. Work on Yourself

Even as you focus on pursuing your ex, do not forget to work on yourself. Always focus on being healthier, fit, and wealthier. These attributes are what attract exes and they will always miss being associated with you.

Wind Up

Sending a message to your ex that you miss them is not wrong, but it most likely won’t make you look desirable. As such, refrain as much as you can from sending such texts which only make you look weak and desperate. Instead, take control and use these simple tips to make your ex miss you.
