Happy Marriage,  Relationship Tips

How You Can Make A Man Crave You

It usually isn’t too hard to catch a man’s interest, but it’s a lot harder to drive him wild.

If you want to make a man crave you, you don’t have to manipulate him. You just have to show him how much you have to offer.

With these tips, you’ll be able to make a guy want you more than he’s ever wanted anyone.

Make him crave you

Find Excuses To Touch Him

When we’re touched, our bodies produce oxytocin, a hormone that makes us feel good. If you find little ways to touch a guy every time you see him, he’ll start to associate those good feelings with you.

Before you know it, he’ll be desperate for your touch. He’ll want to spend more time with you so that he can feel those good feelings again and again.

He’ll want to be completely yours so that you can touch him all the time.

Show Off Your Smile

Research has shown that men are more attracted to women when they smile.

Not only can smiling make you look beautiful, but it can help you to connect with the people around you. If you smile when you’re with the man you want, he’ll feel closer to you.

Make a point of smiling as soon as you see him. It’ll instantly put him in a good mood.

If he is funny… laugh at all his jokes too. Remember, laughter can be contagious!

Make A Man Crave You by smiling more

Have A Signature Scent

Amazing smells can be intoxicating. Smells can also be a powerful memory trigger. If you make a point of wearing the same perfume every time you’re with a man, that scent will bring back all of the memories he’s made with you.

When you’re choosing a perfume, pay attention to the way the scent mixes with your body chemistry. Spray a scent on your wrist and leave it there for at least 10 minutes.

If the perfume still smells fantastic after that, it’s the right scent for you!

Be Confident

Have you ever heard the saying “fake it until you make it?” That saying can apply to many aspects of life, including romance. If you present yourself as a confident, attractive woman, the people around you will naturally start to see you in the same way.

If you struggle with self-esteem, you may want to try reciting positive affirmations at the start of the day. When you’re brushing your teeth in the morning, look at your reflection and say “I’m beautiful and desirable.”

Before long, you’ll start to believe it, and the men around you will believe it too.

He’ll probably give his heart to the first woman who does this…

present yourself as a confident, attractive woman,

Put In Extra Effort

The next time you see your guy, get dressed up in an outfit you know you look hot in, even if you aren’t doing anything special. Take the time to do your hair and make up. Put on a pair of heels. Research shows men are more attracted to women wearing red color.

Don’t let your relationship feel boring. Make a point of reminding him of how good you can look and how hot you can be. You don’t have to get dressed up all the time, but getting dressed up every once in a while can be a way to keep the spark alive.

Cook For Him

If you really want to win a guy’s heart, you can’t just focus on the physical. He should want you physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

One of the best ways to deepen your connection to someone is to feed them food you cooked yourself.

Whether you invite him over for dinner or treat him to freshly-baked cookies, he’s sure to love eating the food that you made for him. When he takes his first bite, he’ll start to imagine what a life with you could be like.

Tips to make a Man Crave You

Give Specific Compliments

Complimenting a guy is a great way to make sure you stay in his thoughts. Men love to receive compliments, and many complain that they don’t get enough of them.

With that said, you shouldn’t just say something basic like “you look nice.” Instead, try to give him detailed compliments that feel really genuine.

You could tell him that he looks fantastic in the shirt he’s wearing, or that you love his hands or his arms.

If you give him a compliment that he’s never heard before, he won’t be able to stop thinking about what you said.

Give Your Man Specific Compliments

Have A Life Outside Of Him

If your entire life revolves around a guy, he’ll feel like he can be around you any time. If you show that you have your own life and interests, he’ll know that he has to compete with those interests to get your attention.

Don’t be afraid to turn down dates when you have plans with friends.

Tell him about your hobbies and interests. Show him that you have a lot going on, and he’ll want to be part of your life.

The difference between “like” and “love” (most women miss this)

Leave Him Wanting More

When you’re crazy about someone, it’s normal to want to be around them all the time. Try to resist the urge to send him a steady stream of texts or photos. If you really want to drive him wild, find ways to make him ask for more.

Instead of sending him a standard selfie, send him a picture that just shows part of your face, like your eyes or your lips.

When you tell him a story, only tell him the basics. Make him ask if he wants to know more.

Don’t be afraid to be playful and make him work for everything he wants.

Good luck

There are some top level texting techniques you might want to learn. It can make your man crave for you, making you totally irresistible. Check video presentation below to learn more.
