Get Your Ex Back

How To Win Back Your Ex Boyfriend

If you want to get back together with an ex boyfriend, there are some ways to go about the process that will work out for you. Here, you’ll learn what you need to know to get back with someone even if the breakup was a difficult time for the both of you.

It’s important that you think about this carefully so you can come out of it with a new relationship with someone that isn’t going to fail again on you. Below are the tips you need to follow and that way, you don’t have as hard of a time getting back with an ex boyfriend.

How To Win Back Your Ex Boyfriend

Why did it not work the first time

You’re going to want to figure out why your relationship didn’t work out in the first place. For instance, if you were jealous and it drove you apart, then that is why the relationship didn’t work and you need to work on that.

Try to determine what went wrong and if you can work on that flaw in the relationship you were in before. If you’re not willing to change or the other party isn’t, then it’s not going to work.

Even if you feel like it’ll all be good if you just ignore things, the same issues will come up again.

Is he in another relationship

An ex boyfriend may have moved on so you’re going to need to know what to do to win him back in the near future. One way to see if he is interested in you still is to ask him over a text message or an online private message about what he’s been up to.

You want to get an idea of whether he’s in a relationship with someone else at this time.

If he is, then you can still let him know how you feel and you can mention that you’ll be there if something doesn’t work out for him in his new relationship.

See this video presentation to learn EXACTLY what to text your man to bring him back.

Acknowledge the situation

Know that if you’re told that someone is not interested in you, to back off. When someone is clear about their boundaries, you don’t want to cross them because it will just end poorly for you.

Always respect an ex if they don’t want to take you back and that may turn into something that shows them that you still have their best interests in mind.

If you’re able to listen to them and not force yourself onto men in general, you’re going to be more likely to win back those that left you in recent years.

Getting the ex back

Communication is everything

Try to contact your ex boyfriend so you can talk with him about what he wants in a relationship. You can just write him a message asking what he thought happened and why things didn’t go all that well.

Then, you just have to learn how to work on yourself so you can take care of everything that he wasn’t into. Of course, you shouldn’t change completely for someone usually because being yourself is how you attract people that really like you.

However, if some small things can be done to make someone more comfortable around you, it’s okay to change those things around a little.

Watch this video presentation what to say to make him want you back.

He might want you secretly

If you’re with someone new, then your ex may want to come back into your life a little more.

Don’t be afraid to share images on social media of your new relationship because when you move on it can lead to an ex wishing they were there with you instead of on your bad side or just not in your life as much any longer.

Don’t pause your life and become obsessed with an ex because if they feel like you’re too clingy then they are going to want to move on no matter what.

Make him want YOU back

Don’t try to buy your way into someone’s heart.

For instance, if you make good money and your ex is struggling, don’t tell him that you’re going to take care of him if he gets back with you because that puts you in a stressful position.

Try to be clear that the ex needs to have their life together and that they need to be reliable in general for you to get back with them. That way, you’re not just seen as a way to pay the bills or get money from regularly since your job is not to fund the life of someone else.

When is it time to move on

Know when it’s too late to get someone back. Sure, it can hurt to have to admit that someone is too far gone to be in your life again, but it’s very important to just move on when an ex clearly wants nothing to do with you.

If you try to force your way into the life of someone, then they are never going to want to share anything with you.

In other words, let them move on and just maybe if you’re not too persistent about getting with them, they’ll come back into your life in the future.


It’s important to get back together with an ex boyfriend after you work through what you learned above.

This can be difficult to do right because there is a reason why the relationship didn’t work in the first place.

But, if you take your time and rebuild trust and the relationship in general, it’s a lot easier to get off on the right foot with your ex in the future.

Don’t forget to really try your best and building a good relationship and then you can be with someone that actually benefits you a lot.

Learn the ‘secret’ text messages that can cause your man to be obsessed about you. Watch the video presentation:
