Happy Marriage,  Relationship Tips

How to Reignite Romantic Relationship

So, you suffered a crushing breakup, but now you believe that there must have been some mistake and maybe you can reignite that old relationship one more time?

News FLASH! It ain’t gonna happen!

And even if you were to get what you want, you might not want what you get.

But don’t run off so fast. Just because your relationship with your ex did not pan out as you imagined and you suffered heartache and pain doesn’t mean you have no future with this person.

It is true, there is as much hope in reviving your dead relationship as there would be in reviving roadkill. But this doesn’t mean that something completely new and unexpected can’t be born from the ashes of your former lovelife.

In the following post you will find some important clues to approaching the situation and building a completely new relationship with that special someone who shares a history with you.

How to come back from break up

So here’s what you have to do:

Don’t Contact Your Ex… No matter how strong the urge

You must begin by letting the old relationship die. It will take patience and fortitude, but if you truly want your former partner to recognize the value of a healthy relationship with you, you will have to allow plenty of time to pass. In any case, attempting to contact them at this critical moment will not bring about any good results.

Don’t Be Reactive on Social Media

The last thing you want to do is make a public display of how much the break up is affecting you, even if it really is affecting you badly.

For the most part, any reactions will be taken as a sign of negativity — even if you are posting butterflies and trite quotes like “… sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall in place…”— just don’t do it.

The kind of attention you will get from this public display of negativity is not the kind of attention you want, or need.

The best thing you can do is be strong and focus on yourself.

By fighting your urge to be reactive, you will be able to see the clues that will allow you to make something new of this rubble of your former life.

how to reignite romantic old relationship

Be Patient With Yourself

Place some distance between yourself and what happened.

The breakup was no one’s “fault” ; it was the natural course of events when certain elements were brought together, nothing more.

If you begin beating yourself up, you will do nothing to increase your intrinsic value. Your intrinsic value is exactly what you need to begin a healthy relationship.

Don’t Rebound

You will soon find that your positivity is going to open the doors for a thousand new relationships to come your way.

If you are still feeling hurt and worthless from the relationship, you may leave yourself open to a seriously bad move, like selling yourself cheap.

A little careless romance may feel good at the time, but when the morning comes you will have only dug yourself a little deeper into a hole.

The love that you need to power through is the love you have for yourself. It is quite likely that this love would have saved your relationship in the first place, but that is neither here nor there at this point.

feeling hurt and worthless from the relationship

Begin Focusing On Yourself

Once you have gained a measure of serenity, you can begin to make your first move — but not toward your ex.

Actually, keep your ex completely out of your mind as you begin to develop a better relationship with yourself.

Consider getting a haircut, joining an adventure club, taking dance lessons, building up that dream body you always wanted.

The idea is to transform yourself into the best possible version of yourself.

Now, no matter what happens, you will have the strength and capacity to face the future with confidence and aplomb.

be the best version of yourself.

Go out with friends and meet new people

Now that you have reinvented yourself it is time to begin meeting people and making new connections. This doesn’t mean jumping into new relations, but looking for the things that inspire you and attract you.

Make connections with old friends, talk with your favorite high school teacher and surround yourself with people who are moving in the same direction as you.

Live Your Life

Now that you have established who you are and what you like to do to be the best possible version of yourself, just live your own life and trust the process.

You may feel motivated to flaunt your new life to the world and this is a good idea.

Feel free to post pictures of yourself doing the things you love with the people who make you happy, but don’t go overboard.

Your ex may see these posts, or they might not.

The important thing is that this should be a non-issue in your mind. The most important thing is that you are enjoying your new life.

Your New Relationship With an Old Flame

At some point, you will run into your ex again. Don’t try to force this situation, it will happen all by itself.

Actually, they may come looking for you. If you have followed all the steps up to this point, your ex will see you in your most valuable light and with all the things they loved about you in full blossom.

If you want to use a ‘secret’ spell or trick that make men fall from their feet to be with you, take a look at this video presentation. Learn how other women became irresistible.

How to be irresistible for men

At this point you will have a very clear idea of the things that make you happy and what you truly want in your life. Treat your ex as someone completely new coming into your life and try to never make connections to the past.

If you don’t feel ready to talk with them just yet, don’t.

When you are ready, you can begin building a new relationship with a new perspective on life.

You will find that this makes all the difference and increases the chances of success the next time around.

If you are not aware yet of nature’s trick to triggering a man’s chase instinct, check out this video presentation.

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