Get Your Ex Back

How To Make Your Ex Boyfriend Want You Back

When you break up with someone, it can feel like the end of the world. All of the hopes you had of the future are suddenly demoted to figments of your imagination.

The great thing is that it’s possible to re-attract an old flame and have them want you more than ever.

Here are some ways that you can increase your chances of rekindling a romance with an ex-boyfriend.

Bringing your ex back

Stop Sleeping With Him

This is one of the main things you need to be careful of after a breakup. If you still have feelings for someone, it is hard to resist the opportunity to have some intimate time with them, but this is exactly what you need to do.

If your ex knows that he can continue to have sex with you and an actual relationship is not required, he may be fine with that, and making up would not be an option for him.

Withholding affection shows him that unless he is ready for the type of commitment you are, his fantasies are as close as he will get to be intimate with you.

In many cases, this will make you much more attractive to him.

Make Him Jealous

It may seem a bit childish to try to spark the green-eyed monster in him, but this method works well for some people. All you need to do is make him feel like you are past him and moving on to someone else.

For instance, going on your social media account and taking selfies while you pretend to get ready for a hot date can make him a bit frazzled. The idea is to be a bit subtle about things.

If you are too blatant and post these things too often, he may figure out what you are trying to do, which could push him away and decrease the chances of reconnecting.

Make him jealous

Send Him Photos Of You

If you are still on friendly terms, send him a few current pictures where you appear as if you are living your best life. Bonus points if you wear something that makes you look better than ever. Casually mention your day and send a picture or two.

It may seem innocent to him, but the goal is to make him miss what he used to have with you.

Again, you need to be careful with how often you do this so you don’t look like an obsessed ex which may be a turn off for any relationship.

Avoid Constant Contact

One thing that many people do when they experience a breakup is turn into telephone warriors. All they do is sit and call or text constantly while waiting for their ex to respond.

This generally has the opposite effect, so you should probably avoid this like the plague. Checking in every once in a while is fine, but trying to get in touch too often can seem desperate and obsessive, which is a total turn-off.

It could help if you stopped contacting them for a while to see how they respond. Hearing from you is something that may have become expected and taken for granted.

If he does not get any communication from you, it may pique his interest and make him reach out to you, which would be a victory in your efforts to win him back.

Take Responsibility For Your Actions

Many people like to blame the demise of a relationship on the other person, but sometimes you are the problem. Think about any criticism you were given during the breakup conversation and focus on making changes.

For instance, if you were told that you are self-centered and only think of yourself, work on that before trying to approach them again.

You do not want to wear someone down so much that they return, only to have the same problems that initially pushed them away.

With this being said, do not over apologize. You can say sorry and ask forgiveness for things you have done, but do not try to make it a pity party.

Also, do not take responsibility for things that were not your fault or beyond your control. The goal is to be sincere and self-aware without seeming like a pushover.

Avoid Mentioning Children And Pets

When you lose a relationship with someone you care about, it can be tempting to remind them about children and pets. Pointing out how much they will be missed by little ones and furry friends is NOT a great idea at all.

The reality is that there was an issue between you two and that is what needs to be worked on.

Do you really want someone to come back just because they love your pet? Hopefully not. That would be a recipe for disaster.


Take action

Sometimes people break up and with the right work they can get back together. If you are looking for a reunion with someone from the past, you should pay close attention to all of the tips that were mentioned here.

By approaching things in the correct way, you may rekindle the flame and it may be much stronger than it ever was. Keep in mind that if you try all these ideas and you feel like you are not having any success, it may be time for you to step back and evaluate the situation.

There is always a chance that being back together is not the best option for the two of you right now.
