Get Your Ex Back

How To Get Your Ex Back Using Text Messages

Modern technology has literally transformed the way that we interact with one another.

Text messages have become one of the most common ways that we speak with our friends and family. It allows us to have full control over the words we say, and also when we respond to them.

A text message can also be easily misinterpreted, which is why it is so important to use the proper words.

Get Your Ex Back Using Text Messages

If you have recently left a relationship, yet you want to get your ex back, it’s important to use this technology to your advantage. They may not want to speak with you, but you can always send them a text, and there are ways that you can get them back using text messages.

Here are a few strategies that you can use through simple text messages that may lead to a rekindling of your relationship.

Why Text Messages Matter

There are three reasons why sending a text message is far better than calling them or even sending a letter. In fact, it’s probably the most direct form of communication that we use today.

First of all, everybody is going to receive a text message that you sent. It will simply pop up on their phone. Therefore, you have a high chance or probability that they will see what you are sending.

Second, what you are saying doesn’t have to be very long at all. Just a few words, or a few sentences, can change the structure of your relationship. Even if they have moved on, or if they may still be interested, you can figure this out by sending them a quick text.

Finally, it allows them to be in control of communicating back with you. It’s not like a phone call where you have to say something more simply hung up.

Due to the quality of your text, and the fact they now must respond, it increases the probability that you could potentially get them back.

sending a text message is far better than calling

Learn the ‘secret’ method to bring your ex back with text messaging!

Best Types Of Text Messages To Send

Every text message that you send to someone that you are trying to get back should begin with asking them how they are. It is an open question, one that shows that you are concerned, and is not asking anything of them.

Therefore, they can easily respond to that question, and that will start the conversation. They can tell you that they are doing well or that they miss you.

You may also get a text message that says do not contact me again. At the very least, this allows you to know where you stand.

The next type of text message that you can send is simply ask what they are doing. This shows concern about them and their life. What you do not want to send is a text message about yourself.

You do not want to tell them how miserable you may be, or how you want them back. The goal is to start the conversation and then begin to use the messages to see if they are interested in you again.

Watch video presentation about POWERFUL psychology method to win your ex back.

Breaking The Proverbial Ice

If you have ever received a text message from someone you have not heard from in years, it’s important to realize the power of text messaging when trying to get someone back.

It is important to not text them every day, and to wait at least a month before texting. This will give them time to resolve any issues that they may currently have with you.

It’s a very noninvasive way to start the conversation, and to allow them to decide if they want to communicate with you once again.

If they do have feelings for you, a simple text message that says hello may be all that you need to see if the relationship is worth saving.

Texting a guy It's a very noninvasive way to start the conversation,

Avoid Face-To-Face Contact

Modern phones give you the ability to communicate digitally in a face-to-face way.

Whether you are using an android phone, or an iPhone, having conference calls is very easy to do. This is something you will want to avoid as you are texting.

You need to gauge their state of mind through the messages that they are sending back to you. You can only do this by sending short and brief messages that are asking questions about them.

If he gets to the point where they want to meet with you, you may want to begin with a video call to start that process but never sooner.

There is a set of proven TEXT messages that not to many women know about that can trigger primal male instincts and make them helplessly want to have you back.

Knowing WHAT to text a man can be exactly what you might need to get him back.

text a boyfriend to get them back

Text Messages As Triggers

After a few text messages between the two of you, people and relationships always have certain triggers.

There are certain words that you can say or incidences that you can bring up that both of you enjoy. By referencing these things, you can see how far they are willing to go.

For example, if you reference a trip that you took or a word that has a special meaning to both of you, if this changes the conversation for the better they may want to start the relationship again.

This is the final stage to using text messages to your advantage when trying to get your ex back.

How to make him want more of you

Texting your ex – Conclusion

Text messages do provide people with an easy way to reconnect with virtually anyone. If you are trying to get your ex back, you first want to see if they will respond.

If they do, you will then want to ask them questions about their life. If they respond to those, you can then begin to use trigger words.

There are known trigger words that can be so powerful, they are known as ‘secret’ psychology methods. Knowing what to text a man that can make them wanting to be back with you more than anything.

If they respond favorably, moving on to a video call might be the next step.

However, meeting face-to-face might be the best option. All of this is possible by simply sending text messages to the person that you want to be with once again.
