Get Your Ex Back

How to Get your Ex Back: Making it Work

No one gets through life without experiencing heartbreak. It’s a part of the human experience. And, when it comes to relationships, sometimes things don’t work out the way we want them to.

If you’ve recently gone through a breakup and you’re trying to figure out how to get your ex back, you’re not alone.

There are a few things you can do to increase your chances of getting back together with your ex.

How to Get your Ex Back: Tips for Making it Work

Here are five little things that can help:

Be understanding and supportive

When your ex is going through a tough time, be there for him/her.

Listen to your ex, offer advice if they need it, and just let them know that you’re there for them and that they can count on you.

Don’t make the conversation all about yourself and your feelings, though. If it starts to feel like an interview or therapy session, let them know what advice would be helpful to you as well.

Although your ex might not immediately realize it, this will help remind him/her of the reasons they broke up with you in the first place and why it’ll be worth giving things another go.

It’s also important to remember that we all sometimes need a little space to ourselves, especially when we’re going through something tough like a breakup.

If your ex seems distant or standoffish, don’t take it personally—they might just need some time to process things on their own.

Be patient

Getting your Ex boyfriend Back

Rome wasn’t built in a day, and it may take more than a few weeks or months to get your ex back.

Don’t try to rush things or bombard them with texts and calls; you’ll only end up pushing them further away.

Give them the space they need and be content knowing that things will work out in the end if you’re meant to be together.

If you find yourself struggling with patience, try focusing on your own happiness instead of your relationship status.

Spend time with friends and family, do things you love, and don’t dwell on what’s happening with your ex. This way, you’ll be happier and less needy, which will make you a much more attractive option.

Don’t be afraid to take some time for yourself, either; this helps remind your ex what they’re missing out on if the relationship ends up not working out.

If all else fails, treat yourself to something nice. Sometimes we forget that self-care is important, and it could be just what you need to help get your mind off of things.

Are you missing your ex boyfriend like crazy? You need to see this.

Don’t contact your ex constantly

This one should be pretty self-explanatory — constant contact will only annoy and frustrate your ex, which is the last thing you want to do.

If you’re really struggling with not contacting them, try setting a rule for yourself where you don’t reach out to them for a certain period of time, like a week or two.

If you must contact your ex, keep your messages short and sweet. You don’t want to smother them while also not giving them the space they need.

Dont text your ex boyfriend all the time

Don’t badmouth your ex to your friends

This will only make you look petty and immature, which is definitely not the image you want to portray if you’re trying to win your ex back.

Talking about how much better off you are without them and how much they sucked in bed isn’t going to make them miss you—it’ll just make them annoyed and want to stay as far away from you as possible.

If your friends can’t help but talk about your ex, try changing the subject or walking away. It’s better to avoid the topic altogether than to make things worse.

On a related note, don’t post any negative statements about your ex on social media. Not only is this immature, but it can also be used against you if your ex happens to see what you’re saying.

Learn what to SAY & DO to get your ex back…

Do things that you love

By being happy and doing things you love, you’ll radiate positive energy that your ex can’t help but be drawn to.

When we’re feeling good, we tend to want to be around those who make us feel that way.

If you’ve been moping around or wallowing in self-pity since the breakup, try to snap out of it.

It’ll be much harder for your ex to want to get back together with you if you’re not in a good place mentally.

Do the things you love

Say you’re sorry – and mean it

Breaking up is never easy, and chances are you might have said or done things that you regret.

If you want your ex back, the first step is to apologize for your behavior and show that you’re genuinely sorry.

This doesn’t mean sending a long text message or email; sometimes, the best way to apologize is through actions.

Be kind, open up, and be there for your ex — give them the space to talk about their feelings if they need it. This will show that you’re genuinely sorry, not just saying so because of how things ended between you two.

Being genuine is vital if you want to make things right between you and your ex.

Use this sneaky ‘reverse psychology’ trick to win on your ex back


Remember, every situation is different, and there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to getting your ex back.

If the things you’re doing aren’t working, don’t be afraid to try something else.

The most important thing is that you’re genuine and honest with yourself and your ex and that you stay true to who you are.

We hope these tips help you on your journey to getting back together with your ex! Good luck.
