Get Your Ex Back

How To Determine If Your Girlfriend Loves You

When you have an ex girlfriend, you may not know whether she is into you or not. Even if she tells you that she loves you still, it’s not possible to tell from just that how she really feels. If you want someone to love you for who you are, read on.

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Read her body language

Read her body language to know if she is in love with you

If someone loves you, then there are going to be body language types of signs that you can look out for. For instance, if she crosses her legs when she’s facing you, that shows that she’s defensive and may not be in love with you because she isn’t that into you at this time.

Watch her body language and signs of affection and attraction. Is she grooming her hair, touching her waist, leaning forward, brushing her breasts near you, touching your arms, looks you in the eyes, biting her lip.

Try to learn more about body language online and see if you can find articles and videos about it. You can also learn how to do things like tell when someone is lying and you can use that to help you figure out how to read someone.

View her actions

Does Your Girlfriend Loves You

Don’t think that someone loves you that has been with you for a while just because they are in your life.

If they don’t do anything to show their love to you and basically just use you, then there’s a reason why they’re doing that and it’s not due to love.

When considering whether an ex loves you or not, make sure you think about how she treated you over time. Is she proud of you? How she talks about you with her friends? Is she glad to be seen with you? If you don’t feel her actions express love, then she might not be in love with you, and sticks with you out of sheer comfort.

If she just wanted your money or if she cheated on you, then she probably isn’t in love with you and just thinks of you as an object.

Take a short quiz to find out if You Are Doing Something That Might Be Turning Her Off?

Make yourself worth to be with

Work hard on yourself and that will lead to people loving you more often in your day to day life. It’s hard to love someone that is lazy or that isn’t too into what they can do to make their lives a lot better.

Don’t just assume that you’re doing well in life if you’re doing things like working at jobs that don’t benefit you much or living at home with your parents without having a plan in place to move on.

A lot of the time it can be hard to really love someone because if they don’t seem to take care of themselves, it becomes your job to take care of someone in a relationship.

Look into what your hobbies are? Are they fun and productive? Are you surrounding yourself with a narrow world of interests. If you’re into things that have nothing to do with bettering yourself, then it’s going to be hard for someone to love you. Don’t be a bum, and expect your girlfriend to love you as you are.

It’s good to always work on yourself and make it a point to build onto yourself as time goes on. If a habit is bad for you, don’t keep it in your life and you’ll be easier to love.

Check for yourself You Are Doing Something That Might Be Turning Her Off?

How to make her attracted to you, thinking how to get you in her bed.

Listen when she talks

Learn how to listen to someone when they talk to you. When someone knows that you’re a good listener, then they are going to get into a deeper relationship with you.

Don’t just wait for someone to stop talking so you can talk about yourself because that just makes you look like all you care about is yourself. It’s best to just listen as much as you can and try to relate to someone in a way that works for them. Listen more than it’s comfortable, listen more than you speak.

Don’t be needy

Speaking of moving on, you need to know when to take a hint from someone when it comes to how they really feel about you. If they basically tell you that they don’t want to be with you, then you need to listen.

It’s better to move on and try to get with someone else in the meantime because that will show your ex that you don’t just think about them all day every day.

In the long run, moving on can lead to someone wanting to be with you more but you won’t know until you try moving on.

There is also a possibility that your girlfriend has moved on.

She might have lost interest in you, and is now drifting apart from you. You may feel it but not see it yet. But once she is ready, she’ll say, ‘we need to talk’ and and she will let you know what she has decided.

Take action

Now you’re more knowledgeable of whether your ex is in love with you or not. If you find that she still loves you even after a bad relationship, you can try to patch things up and try again.

It’s impossible to know exactly how someone feels until you look at all these signs, and reflect back on her actions and deeds.

You can win her love back. There are tactics and strategies which helped thousands of guys like you win their loved girlfriend back. Some call them ‘sneaky’ others refer to them as ‘secret tactics’, but in the bottom line they do the job!

Every human person is wired by similar psychology needs. Tapping into these needs and implementing the right sentences and actions, can trigger your girlfriend to want you back quite desperately.

Take the short quiz to find out if You Are Doing Something That Might Be Turning Her Off?
