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How Do You Drive a Girl Crazy Over You? [Tips From a Girl]

As a man, it feels great to know that your woman is head-over-heels in love with you. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a girl you have your eyes on, your girlfriend, or your wife.

Being loved feels great, and if there’s something fun, exciting, and liberating, it’s to know that the girl you’re crazy about feels the same way.

Well, driving a girl crazy is not easy especially when you have been together for years.

Newfound love may be easy but after years of being together, you can be a mundane man to your partner. Luckily, this does not mean that the relationship is dead or that you should now walk away.

Instead, it means that you should take a step back and figure out how to sweep her off her feet all over again. That said, this article will give insight on how to make your girl crazy over you whether you just met or have been together for years:

You can use simple yet POWERFUL techniques to make her to be obsessed with you. knowing what to say and what to text her, to activate her primal instincts to want you so badly she may even beg to be with you.

Discover how to tap into a woman’s primal instincts, fire up her sex drive, and mold the image of you that she has in the back of her mind. Do it right now before it gets too late.

4 Easy Tips to Make Your Girl Crazy About You

  1. Pay More Attention to Her

It is one of the most significant gifts you can give a girl in a world where your attention can go anywhere. If you want her, pay attention to her for more than a few moments. When she’s talking to you, look her in the eyes and make a mental note of what she’s saying; if you can bring it up later, she’ll feel special and begin to appreciate your presence.

This applies to long-term partners as well. After being married or in a relationship for a while, it becomes easy to forget about your relationship and take your spouse for granted. However, one of the most effective ways to keep your girl interested is to begin paying attention to her.

This does not imply that you should go out to eat every night, or that you should start preparing dinner and washing the dishes every night. Instead, it involves talking and truly listening to one another. While talking, steer clear of the obvious themes of children and employment.

  1. Be as Flirty As You Can Be

Believe it or not, flirting after years of a relationship is as important as when a relationship is new. This is because it keeps things interesting and constantly reminds your partner that you’re still attracted to them. A little reciprocal flirtation can help your girl fall in love with you all over again.

Flirting replaces the problem of everyday stress and pressure. You can leave messages for your girl to read or make an attempt to look nice to her. Alternatively, you can share inside jokes, or simply express how appealing you still find her, and she will be crazy about you all the time.

4 Easy Tips to Make Your Girl Crazy About You
  1. Keep The Dates Alive

When you’re crazy for someone, you usually want to see them day by day. You take them out and shower them with love and gifts. It makes a girl feel butterflies in her stomach every time she’s around you. Unfortunately, most men don’t keep this up.

As relationships progress, getting out of the house for a night of fun is forgotten and no longer a priority. Going on dates is reserved for birthdays and important dates. Well, that’s where you’re going wrong. Get creative and organized to find time for your woman. Light some candles, dress up and hire a chef to cook for you two as you bond.

  1. Have More Sex with Your Partner

And now to the one that brings a smile to your face: have more sex if you’re sexually active together. Sex is just as important to women. As such, if you want your girl to be crazy about you, bring your A-game to your sex life. If you’ve been together for years, don’t let your sex life die!

What you may not know is that sex is an important form of communication between couples. It’s one of the very few things that unite two people at a soul level. When sex fades, so does a lot of the closeness in your relationship. Be intentional about sex and watch her become obsessed with you.

Wind Up

Making a girl crazy for you takes more than just being a tall, dark, and handsome man. It takes effort, consistency, and dedication. This can foster a great relationship filled with laughter, passion, and mutual love. Put in the effort and watch that initial spark stay from day 1!
