Happy Marriage

Does My Husband Love Me Or Not?

If you are currently in a relationship that is struggling, you may wonder how far it will continue.

If you have been married to her husband for several years, yet things are changing, it might be time to evaluate your relationship.

Over the course of time, your relationship with anyone can differ dramatically. Events in your life, and theirs, can contribute to these changes.

Perhaps you did not really love the person that you are married to initially. On the other hand, you may have love them, but now they are not thinking of you in the same way.

Does My Husband Love Me Or Not?

These are questions that you may be thinking about.

Here is how you can determine if your husband still loves you.

Does He Plan Date Nights?

One of the clearest signs that your husband is still in love with you is that he wants to do something with you on a regular basis.

Planning a date night is one way that you can tell. For most people, being married has to do with routines that involve your jobs, and also your children, which can become quite tedious.

When you are able to go out on a date, you can spend time together. You can begin to learn more about each other during these intimate moments.

However, if date nights are not being planned, you may want to consider recommending this option.

Compliment Him Often

He Wants To Learn More About You

A clear sign that your husband is still involved in the relationship is that he wants to learn more about you. If he is asking questions about what you want to do, or what you like to do, that’s a good sign.

If your conversations have been primarily about activities throughout your day, there are likely not involved in the relationship any longer. This may not indicate that they don’t love you, but it’s a sign that things are changing.

You may want to spend quality time with them and ask them questions about themselves. This will start the pattern of learning more about each other, and eventually turn the situation around.

Is your spouse considering a divorce? Watch this and learn what you can do to prevent it.

Signs Of Infection Dwindling

If you are no longer holding each other, or even holding hands, this is a clear sign that something is wrong.

They could be detached, distant, and wanting to be other places. Spending time with you will not be at the top of their daily agenda. If that is the case, you must address the situation directly.

Find out what is wrong, and why they are acting in this manner.

If you can resolve differences that you have, this can assist you in becoming much more attentive to their needs. Likewise, they will become more attentive to yours by simply having good quality conversations.

Don’t give up on your marriage until you’ve tried this.

Ask If They Still Love You

There are many ways to tell if your husband loves you or not. The first is to ask him. It can be nerve-wracking to think that your man does not love you, but remember that men are naturally protective.

Their hormone, testosterone, causes them to feel a protective stance toward their partners. If your husband is not saying this, you may want to consider other signs.

Do They Criticize You Often?

It is a clear sign that your husband is not happy with you if he is constantly criticizing every decision that you make. However, if your husband is still in love with you, he’ll prioritize being with you. He will be more inclined to spend time with you if he is with someone else.

He will also give you space to talk about your own interests. A man who values time with you is more likely to be loyal to you.

A man who loves you will put you above everything else. When he doesn’t care about you, he’ll be less likely to criticize you.

Does He Still Protect You?

Men that love their wives are always going to protect them. If you find that he protects you in all situations, it is clear that he has feelings for you that are positive.

If he’s protecting you from negative situations and harm, it’s an obvious sign of love.

A man’s “hero instinct” is going to key again, especially if you have been married for quite some time.

It is also an indication of his undying love for you if he is constantly defending you against friends and family members that he may perceive to be attacking your decisions or the way that you are.

The #1 Rule You MUST Follow to Avoid Divorce

Simply Ask Them If They Love You

Based upon all of the signs that you are noticing in your relationship, you can quickly determine if they love you are not.

It isn’t that difficult to ask, yet you may be apprehensive, about asking the one question that could potentially change both of your lives.

The only way you can save your dying marriage… (Video presentation)

It’s always good to know the truth, and by asking them about your relationship with them, you can then begin to resolve issues that need to be dealt with immediately.

For all of these reasons, you can quickly assess whether or not your husband still loves you. It can be a tricky situation. At times, they may be very defensive and caring, yet at other times they may not want to be around you.

That’s why it’s so important to schedule planned events with them, or just be spontaneous, to make your relationship as exciting as possible.

What this video presentation to save your marriage:

Once you understand of your husband loves you are not, it’s going to help improve both of your lives.
