Relationship Tips

Does He Loves Me Quiz! 8 Signs He Is In Love With You

Most of us (if not all) have an idea of what love should be like. Although you might not know this, many are times when our concept of love is wrong, but only a few when it’s right.

It is easy for one guy to say he loves you when he clearly doesn’t, while another doesn’t utter the words but truly loves you.

Most people are unable to recognize true love even when it is straight up in front of them, hence chasing what’s not.

How do you know he loves you?

Here are some of the most common behaviors and signs he’s into you. Check if your man’s behaviors and attitude relates to these quiz parameters.

#1 He Wants To Spend Time With You

Men will do everything in their power to create time for the women they are pursuing or love.

He will try to spend as much time as possible with you, all in an effort to build a relationship.

Any man that’s not interested won’t give the ‘boys’ trip to spend time with you and will only do so if he has something to gain from you.

If someone enjoys being around you outside of the bedroom, then chances are in love with you -even if they are yet to declare it.

How do you know he loves you?

#2 He Genuinely Respects You

Although not a clear-cut sign of love, a man that loves you will genuinely respect you.

If you are keen enough, you’ll notice he demonstrates respect for everything about you, such as your time, choices, thoughts, and body.

He will listen to what you have to say or even offer to help with any issue you might have with no questions asked.

Love and respect go hand in hand and are a sign he puts value to your relationship and isn’t just a mere friend.

#3 He Makes Time For You

We get it: everyone is busy trying to earn a living. But someone that loves you will always find/create time to talk or be with you.

He will make you a priority over other things and will strive to check up on you whenever possible.

He doesn’t treat you like a backup plan or an afterthought, but the first person that comes to mind whenever he’s free.

A man that loves you will even drop whatever he was doing to attend to you, especially if you do request or have an emergency.

#4 He Misses You When You Are Away From Him

Don’t be fooled; any man can shower you with love when you are in their presence.

It’s only the one that loves you that will miss your presence when you are apart and stay in touch.

Notice he makes an effort to call you when away, sends you memes and pictures he knows you’ll love, or sends a quick message whenever he gets the chance.

These are some of the signs the man is into you and cannot wait to be in your presence again. He will try to keep you in the loop without seeming nagging or controlling.

Does He Loves Me Quiz

#5 He Introduces You To His Family/Friends

If a man truly loves you, he will make an effort to introduce the relationship you to his friends and family.

If unable to introduce you to them in person, he will always tell them about you. Although this might not be a sure-fire sign of love, this can indicate it shows you are important to him.

Most men only introduce their girlfriends to family and friends once sure about them.

#6 He Lets You In (Figuratively)

Men will always want to show their best side and will be reluctant to show their vulnerable side.

If he, however, loves you, he will let you beyond his external barrier and tell/show some of the things he wouldn’t tell anyone else.

While this might be a slow process, him letting you in and even sharing his darkest moments or fears are a sign he is into you and is comfortable with/around you.

#7 Goes Out Of His Way To Make/See You, Happy

Love makes a man do things he’d ordinarily not do.

Although he might not be the best cook, he will go out of his way to make you breakfast. If you are keen enough, you’ll notice him making an effort to like the things you do, such as the kind of music you listen to, band, or even TV programs.

A man in love will do this without expecting anything in return but to see a smile on your face.

If anyone goes out of his way to make you happy, he then might be the soulmate you’ve been searching for.

#8 How He Looks At You

A man in love will look at you differently from how he would someone he isn’t interested in.

While most men are shy, many will try to keep eye contact with the people they love. You’ll feel his gaze on you even if he tries to conceal it.

You should also be able to make this out during intimate moments as well.

How to know if he is In Love With You

Summarize quiz indicators

These are some of the signs that show a man is in love with you. Although he might not have uttered the words yet or had the courage to approach you, his body language and actions will show.

The interesting thing about love is that some of your friends will have noticed even before you do.

While you might not know this, we all speak the same love language we’d want to receive.

Some people speak love in the form of gifts, spending quality time together, etc.; understanding your partner’s love language is the key to finding happiness and true love.

Do You Know How to “activate” his male ego to make winning your love an irresistible challenge?
