Dating Tips For Her,  Happy Marriage

Do THIS to Sneak Into His Thoughts

If there’s a guy in your life that you can’t get out of your head, you’re probably looking for ways to sneak into his thoughts.

Whether he’s a crush or a long-term partner, there are plenty of ways to make a guy think about you.

In fact, if you play your cards right, he might not be able to think about anything else!

Do THIS to Sneak Into His Thoughts

Wait To Text Him Back, But Don’t Wait Too Long

When you’re starting to fall for someone, it’s easy to feel glued to your phone. While you might be tempted to respond to texts the second you receive them, try to wait at least a few minutes before sending a reply.

If you time things right, he’ll think about you the entire time he’s waiting for a response.

You shouldn’t wait too long to reply to his messages. After all, you don’t want to seem like you’re not interested.

Just give him enough time to anticipate his next message.

When he sees a notification from you on his phone screen, his heart will start pounding.

If you are not sure what to text a guy to make him totally obsessed with you, you may want to watch THIS video presentation. It will reveal a little ‘secret’ that can make YOU irresistible for him.

Ask Him Questions About The Things He Loves

Every guy spends a lot of time thinking about his favorite things. Whether he’s into movies, sports, or a podcast, ask him questions so that he has plenty of opportunities to share these things with you.

If you ask him questions like this on a regular basis, he’ll start to want to share things with you as soon as he experiences them.

Soon, he’ll be eagerly messaging you to show you trailers or tell you about the new game he just picked up.

You don’t have to pretend to like the things that he does. You just need to show that you want him to share his passions with you.

Get Him To Associate Things With You

Do you think of a person every time you hear a song or smell a certain scent?

It’s common for things to become linked in our memories. If you can get the guy you like to connect something simple like this with you, you’ll start popping into his head whenever he hears a certain tune or smells something nice.

If there’s a song that you know he listens to a lot, you could try telling him a story about that song. If you know he loves the smell of a vanilla, wear a vanilla-scented body lotion before you go see him.

Once you make a few connections like this, he won’t be able to get you out of his mind. Smells and sounds are potent memory triggers.

How You Can Make a Guy Think About You

Compliment Him

Many guys say that it’s rare for them to get compliments. This means that the compliments guys do receive are cemented in their memory.

Make a point of complimenting the guy you like at least once every few days. There’s a good chance he’ll play your compliment in his head over and over again.

Compliments can have a big impact, but that doesn’t mean you should just compliment him about anything. Instead, try to give him specific compliments that feel sincere.

For example, if he wears a blue shirt, tell him that he looks really good in the color blue. You’ll instantly pop into his mind the next time he puts on something blue.

Find Ways To Surprise Him

When you spend a lot of time with someone, you start to feel comfortable with them. This can be nice, but it can also be a little boring. Try to shake things up by surprising him every once in a while.

Just when he thinks that he has you figured out, you’ll do something unexpected.

Look for small but appealing things you can do that will catch him off guard. Give him a small present and say that you thought of him when you saw it.

Invite him to do something with you at the last minute. Before you know it, he’ll be wondering what might happen the next time he sees you.

Focus On Listening

When you’re excited to talk to someone, it’s easy to overshare. Instead of telling your favorite guy everything that you did that day, make him ask you questions if he wants to know more.

You should also ask him plenty of questions. Give him a chance to share things with you.

Don’t just ask basic questions that he can answer with one word, like “How are you?” or “How was your day?” Try to ask questions that show you’re really interested in his life.

For example, if you know he picked up a new video game, ask him how’s been enjoying the game. If he’s an expert on a certain topic, ask him for advice. Show him that his opinion matters to you.

Don’t Be Overly Negative

No one wants to think about bad things for too long. If you’re constantly venting when you talk to someone, he won’t want to think about you for too long. Instead, he’ll turn his thoughts towards better things.

This doesn’t mean that you have to hide your feelings when you’re having a bad day. You just have to put a positive spin on the negative.

If he asks you about your day when you’ve been dealing with a lot of stress, you could say something like “It’s been a tough day, but talking to you is already making me feel better.” Soon, he’ll be coming to you whenever he needs a pick-me-up.

Take Control Of The Relationship

The bottom line is to act. Action makes dreams come true. No matter if it’s your husband or boyfriend, take things into your hands.

Taking the long route building a steady relationship can be very satisfying though there are some ‘shortcuts‘ you may want to acquire.

You can learn simple yet powerful methods to make a man be obsessed about you. By implementing the unmet emotional “need” that makes men fall in love.
