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Checklist! Best Way To Get A Man To Want You

Men are notoriously hard to read, and sometimes, being with the opposite sex is akin to playing mindgames. Guys know what they want, and some women are just magnets for attention.

Of course, if you’re not one of those overly charismatic women, getting a man to want you may seem foreign or even out of reach.

Fortunately, men are generally attracted to certain traits in women, so there are quite a few ways that you can get a guy to notice you!

It all starts with a checklist like the one below:

Are you relaxed enough and do you smile often?

The easiest way to get a man to want you is to place yourself in your element where you feel the most comfortable. Whether you’re trying to attract attention or heading out for a date, choose a place where you can let loose and have a good time.

Learn How to Get A Man To Want You

Men are naturally drawn to women who not only know how to have a good time, but are fun and relaxed.

Do you have good social skills?

You don’t have to become the life of the party in order to get a man to look your way, however, a woman with good social skills is always seen as sexy.

Sure, it may seem like all you want to do is run away when faced with a tough crowd or a group of people, but stick around and start a conversation.

Chances are that you will discover new friends and men will see you in a completely different light.

Are you willing to ask for help?

Though it sounds cliche, men want to help you and they certainly want to feel needed. There’s nothing more attractive to a man than a woman who knows how to ask for help when she needs it.

It doesn’t have to be a big thing, but rather, evaluate the situation you’re in and consider asking for a simple favor.

The same way men love to eat, they also like feeling needed by the “fairer” sex.

Check the ‘hidden need’ that makes him feel MORE than just attraction.

Are you exuding a zen and centered lifestyle?

One of the biggest no-nos when it comes to gaining the attention of a man is having too much baggage.

Even if you do, no one feels an instant connection with someone who has too much stress or problems on their plate.

You are instantly sexier to a man when you exude a balanced and zen lifestyle. You can let him know how centered you are by discussing your relaxing hobbies or talking about the little things you like to do.

Is your sense of style a bit too fashion forward?

Understandably, women often dress for their girlfriends and wear what’s considered fashionable by their standards.

This is oftentimes completely lost on the opposite sex, and though you may think showing skin or wearing tight clothes attracts men, that’s not always the case as it turns out.

Most men love women with a timeless and classic sense of style that helps them feel fresh and confident in their own skin.

In fact, a scientific study revealed that most men prefer women, especially their girlfriends, without makeup on. Next time you go out and socialize with guys, why not wear something comfortable?

How to get men attracted to you

Are you making room for eye contact?

The art of flirting really all comes down to body language, and mainly, eye contact.

Let a guy know that you’re interested by using your best assets– your eyes! Making direct eye contact isn’t just sexy, but it shows a thoughtful and serious side of you that men crave.

Sometimes, actions do speak louder than words!

Creating eye contact makes you more sexy

Do you often state the obvious?

You may like to brag about how well-traveled or eclectic you are in your refined tastes, but men dislike know-it-all women.

For example, if you’re hanging out and your date notices what you’re wearing, just thank him and move on!

Most women tend to drop the names of fancy brands and talk about their luxury collections, but this makes you come across as a highly self-centered and materialistic person. This same concept is easily applied to food and alcohol.

Even if you have deep knowledge about certain topics, it’s best not to brag around.

Are you always surrounded by other women?

Women tend to travel in groups, but this personality trait is often what makes them seem unapproachable to men.

Next time you want to make a guy fall for you, hang out with just a friend, or better yet, head out alone.

Strike up a conversation and let him get to know the fun and educated ‘you’!

make a guy fall for you,

Are you able to leave your technology behind?

In this day and age, you’re hard pressed to find anyone who doesn’t obsess over social media or their texts by checking their phones non-stop.

When trying to forge a relationship with someone, focus on the person and not your virtual reality.

The fact is that men want to see a vulnerable and real side of you, but they also want to know that you’re paying attention to their needs.

If you’re caught up in your own little world, you have no room for anyone else.

Take action, get him to want you!

There are many reliable ways to get a man to want you, but in order to keep a man, you have to assess your behavior. Are you sending the right message, or does it seem like you’re messing around?

There’s a time and a place to start getting serious, and it all comes down to forming the right habits.

If you feel that he is not 100% into the relationship, and he is drifting away. Don’t give up, you can learn how to trigger his most inner instincts to make him see you as irresistible.

Watch this short video presentation and soon enough he will be CRAVING for you.

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