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Can I Make My Boyfriend Crave Me More?

If you are in a relationship with a guy, and they seem to be distant, you may need to change your relationship.

This could mean finding someone else that will pay attention to. However, if you want to keep this individual in your life, you may want to change the way you are interacting with them.

There are some guys that are simply hopeless, and you will never be able to get their attention no matter what you do.

However, if it is important to keep this individual in your life, you can do things that can make them crave you more than anything else.

Here are some tips on how to make your boyfriend crave you above all other people.

do six things that can make them crave you more

Always Complement Them

One of the easiest ways to get the attention of any guy is to use compliments in access.

They may not even realize what you are doing. Many guys are going to feed off of individuals that show them praise. If you use this strategy, you can definitely get their attention.

You can compliment them on the way that they look, or their hair, or perhaps the jokes that they are telling you. You may not even like the jokes, but by using compliments in access, you can always have their undivided attention.

Use Their Favorite Perfume

Perfume is a great way to always get the attention of a guy.

It works in a similar way that natural pheromones will. They are going to be attracted to you, without even realizing it, simply because of the way that you smelled. Obviously, bathing regularly is a standard option.

However, it’s all about the perfume that you choose. You may even want to do research on the different types of perfume that can get the best reactions.

However, if they like your perfume, and they are constantly asking about it, this is what you will want to wear at all times.

Show Them That You Are Smart

It really depends on the guy that you are with when using this particular strategy. On one hand, guys that are already intelligent are looking for intelligent women they can have conversations with.

For others, they may feel intimidated by a woman that is smarter than them. In fact, if they even perceive that you are talking down to them, or that you know more about a topic, this will be a huge turnoff.

Therefore, when using the strategy, always spend a little bit of time gauging how they view intelligent women.

You want to show them that you can have an even conversation, but try not to be condescending, especially if you are the smarter person in the relationship.

Always Be Different

This is another strategy that can either work very well or completely backfire. There are some guys that absolutely need consistency in their lives.

Just your mere presence could be beneficial, but if you are constantly changing outfits, or your hairstyle, it might be too much for them to handle.

On the other hand, if you are with a more robust individual, that likes change, changing things up is going to solidify your relationship.

They will constantly be wondering what new outfit you will be wearing, or what hairstyle you will be using, and this can be very beneficial for your relationship.

Show Off Your Cooking Skills

Cooking is the way to a man’s heart, or so the saying goes. A man that has solid meals every day is going to be much more friendly. If you have ever been with a man before that is hungry, you are likely aware of how problematic this can be.

If you are a good cook, you may want to consider preparing different meals throughout the week.

This could be for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Desserts are a fantastic way to attract their interest.

If they enjoy the food that you are preparing, is going to be one of the many reasons that they will crave you even more.

But hunger isn’t the only men’s primitive instinct..

Some women have know the nature’s trick to triggering a man’s chase instinct, harnessing it to make their man be obsessed about them. These lucky women became irresistible for their boyfriend or spouse.

If you would like to learn it too, watch THIS video presentation.

Be Sure To Listen

If you are not taking the time to listen to what they are saying, this can be a huge turnoff. If you can learn how to listen to what they say, and act as if you are interested, they are going to crave you and your attention on a daily basis.

It’s not about being well-versed in the things that they are interested in. You just need to show that you are in some way concerned or slightly interested.

If you can do that, they will crave talking with you, and being with you, simply because they think that you are listening.

By using these simple strategies, it will be easy to attract the interest of your boyfriend at all times.

Of course, looking your best is also helpful, but they also need to know that you care about the things they find important. By being sure to listen to their conversations, and also reply, can make them become more interested in you.

It’s Now Up to You

By following this strategy, and all of the others that are presented, you can ensure that your relationship with your boyfriend will improve as they begin to crave you more on a daily basis.

If you are in a relationship that you say “I feel like I’m just a placeholder” or you feel your boyfriend “just says he loves me, but isn’t in love with me”, then you might want to learn the little ‘secret’ trick to get him obsessed with you.

Watch the video presentation and learn how to sprinkle THIS “special ingredient” to make your relationship HIS favorite hobby.

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