Dating Tips For Her,  Happy Marriage,  Relationship Tips

A Few Tips To Make Him Want You More

Every woman should feel like a jackpot. Every woman should feel desirable.

The first thing you need to do is work on your confidence. If you aren’t with a man that is treating you like a prize, it may be time to find a new one.

However, if you are simply looking for ways to make a man want you more, you’re in luck.

There are plenty of different tips that you can use to make yourself even more desirable for your dream man.

Does he love me? couple with love balloons

A Few Tips To Make Him Want You More:

Showcase Your Independence

First and foremost, you want to showcase your independence.

No guy wants a controllable woman. At least not one that you want to be with anyways.

You want to show off your independent self. This means going out and doing things on your own and having your own life.

An independent woman is going to be much more attractive to a man because it shows that they aren’t needed. A man that feels as if he is needed is going to be much less likely to stick around.

They want to be challenged. An independent woman inherently challenges them because they can’t rest on the fact that they are needed.

Make Eye Contact

Men love women that make eye contact with them.

Eye contact can be one of the easiest ways to get a guy aroused. You want to show them your confidence with your eyes. You can even use your eyes to undress them.

How To Make Him Want You More

Compliment Them

Believe it or not, but every man desires to be complimented.

Men want to feel as if they are sexy themselves. They want to feel wanted. Because of this, you want to show them they are desirable and tell them daily.

Complimenting men is one of the best ways to make them much more interested in you. However, you don’t want to overdo it.

A lot of guys will be turned off by being complimented too frequently. They may even feel strangled by it.

Instead, you want to be subtle with your compliments. Try to focus on things that make them feel masculine. For instance, if you know they’ve been working out, tell them you can tell.

He will love being around you because you are making them feel more masculine and better about themselves.

Use Scent To Your Advantage

One of the things that get us all is scents. One’s smell is one of the most primitive senses.

Because of this, you should be leveraging it and using it to your advantage. Find a smell that your man likes. Try to stick with it. You want to use your scent to promote positive reactions.

If you have a scent that your man lives for, try to spray it on his pillow.

You can do little things like this to get your guy thinking about you even if it’s subconsciously.

 Tips To Make Him Want You More

Work On Yourself

If your man already loves you for who you are, that doesn’t mean you are your best self.

We all have things that we can improve. Think about some of the things that you may be able to improve to make yourself more desirable.

It doesn’t have to be physical. This doesn’t mean you have to go on a diet or start a serious exercise routine. It could be something as simple as being more positive.

It could mean spending more time with your man and less time browsing aimlessly on social media.

Think of different things you can do to improve yourself and you will start to notice how much it helps.

Don’t give him a reason to pull away.

Flirt Like You’re Dating

If you’ve been with a guy for a long time, you may notice that you stop doing things that you may have done while you were dating.

Just because you’ve been with a guy for a long time doesn’t mean you have to stop flirting.

There are little things you can do here and there that can bring them back to when you were first dating. Whether it’s writing little notes in his lunch or reaching your hand in his pocket to grab the car keys before work.

There are subtle things that you can do to keep things interesting and to keep him wanting more.

Show Off Your Sexy Self

When you want to make a guy want you more, one of the main things you need to do is change up your wardrobe.

Men are much more primitive than women. They get turned on easily. You can easily do this by dressing the part.

Try to find sexy clothes that you can wear. You can wear these clothes around your man or a guy you like whenever you want attention.

You will find it very easy to get the attention of a man if you find flattering clothing.

Now lets go to work…

There is plenty that you can do to make a man want you more. Not all of it requires a lot of effort.

There are small things you can do to make a big difference.

A lot will come down to whether you’re looking to attract a man for the first time or if you want to make a man want you more after dating for a long time.

Try to integrate these tips above and you’ll find yourself getting that man to want you more than ever before easier than you thought.

Learn the hidden need that makes him feel MORE than just attraction, make him fall IN love with you.
