Dating Tips For Her,  Happy Marriage,  Relationship Tips

8 DEAD Simple Tips to Make a Guy Want You More

Who doesn’t like attention, adoration and affection in a relationship?

Every woman wants to be pampered by their man. However, what happens in reality is that after a few weeks, the spark fades out and the man ceases to do the things he initially did to get the woman’s attention.

This marks the beginning of the end of a relationship if you cannot figure out a way to make your man crave you once more.

As a woman, you need to invest both your time and energy in order to keep your relationship strong and growing. To make things slightly easier for you, we have come up with 8 simple tips to make a guy want you more.

Call him cute names often

Men enjoy hearing their partner refer to them using cute names. So, whenever you are having a conversation, make it a point to mention them using your preferred name.

Use cute names often but not too often so as not to dilute their significance. During sex, while everything is heated up, mention his name and watch him get a boost in confidence.

Keep him guessing

One of the best tools a woman has in a sexual relationship is curiosity. Men are generally curious about women and what they like, dislike, secrets and so on.

With that said, you should do your best not to reveal everything to your man at any given point in time. If he is truly interested in you, he will stick around because he wants to know more about you each day.

woman in a sexual relationship can use curiosity

Touch him unexpectedly

A simple accidental touch can trigger a brief moment of intensity between a man and a woman who are attracted to each other.

You don’t have to wait for these accidental touches to occur by themselves. You can deliberately set these situations to occur. For example, you can quickly reach into his pockets to grab some keys or something else you need.

He will instantly notice this unexpected touch and crave more of it.

Small things matter

Start making small changes to your style or personality. This can make your man feel more intrigued and want to explore more of you.

However, when making these changes, it’s important to know what he likes or dislikes and then make the appropriate changes.

Tie your hair differently, wear a beautiful dress, get a haircut, or even wear a new lipstick.

make your man feel more intrigued and want to explore more of you.

Compliment him often

Like women, men yearn to be appreciated, wanted, and desired. One of the best ways to show affection to your partner is to compliment him often.

You can compliment him on just about anything from his looks to his most valuable character traits like discipline, punctuality or competence.

Compliments help to boost a man’s confidence. A man will gravitate to do things that will earn him compliments from his partner.

When you compliment him frequently, he ends up thinking about you constantly and looking for a way to keep you happy.

Smell good at all times

Nobody enjoys interacting with a smelly or odorless person. This is especially true in sexual or romantic interactions.

Smell is one of the most sensitive senses, which means that it directly impacts your perception of a person.

Furthermore, men have a sweet spot for fragrances and feminine scents.

With that in mind, a woman should strive to smell good at all times.

You should smell as amazing as possible when you are with your man. Your man will remember your scent everywhere he goes, and he will want to meet you more in order to smell your scent.

Remind him of good memories

There is no better way to cement your relationship with your many than taking him down memory lane and reminding him of how crazy, or silly you were when you started dating each other.

Memories remind you of what attracted you to each other.

This is very important, especially in the current world we live in, where many people are caught up in their busy lifestyle at the detriment of their love lives. You can make your man want you by reminding him how he felt when he first met you.

Give him ample space

Men like a challenge. Men don’t like to get things easily without investing any effort or time.

This is a rule that many women tend to forget when dealing with men in their lives.

Staying with your man all the time may seem like the ideal thing to do when in a relationship, but this is not the case.

A little alone time is good.

You should give your partner enough space and time away from you so that he can’t resist missing you. Do not always accept his date plans.

Saying no is not all that bad if you plan to eventually meet up with him.

You can use THIS ‘secret’ text messaging technique to make sure he will be craving after you irresistibly.

Let’s Sum It Up

The above tips can be useful in securing your man’s interest and attention.

Men want to be loved by women who respect and adore them. Men also want to be treated like kings, which means that women must do their best to please them and meet their wishes.

A happy man will be more inclined to want you more, while an unhappy man will only want to run away from you.

Keep your man as happy as you can, be the best version of you, and leave the rest to fate.

Make sure you know the difference between “like” and “love” (most women miss this).

Your looks has probably less to do with their desire to be with you, because men fall in love with women who use this “secret ingredient” in their relationships.

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