Dating Tips For Her,  Happy Marriage,  Relationship Tips

7 Tips To Make Him Want You More

Love is the one thing that brings meaning to life.

Nothing beats the feeling of knowing someone somewhere loves you more than anything.

This thought alone makes our heart light up with joy, and the reason you will go the extra mile just to see him smile and make him crazy over you. You may ask, what can I do to make him love me even more?

Outlined below are some of the things men like and what you should do to keep them hooked.

Compliment Him Often

Men, too, love to be complimented, and especially by the women in their lives.

Don’t just compliment his looks, but also do tell the things you appreciate about him.

This can be anything from how he handled a particular situation, his smell, cologne, or personality in general.

Letting your man know you appreciate him and that you do notice even the smallest things he does (for you or other people) will help strengthen your bond and his confidence with/around you.

Be sure to compliment him (in a nice way) even when he’s down or dealing with something challenging.

Compliment Him Often

Call Him Nice Names

Nothing turns men more than when their women call them the nicest names.

Look for a sexy name that only the two of you know, and call him by that whenever he’s around or even over the phone. Look for a way to slide in the name whenever having a conversation.

The lovey-dovey names shouldn’t just be when he’s happy, but when/if having a serious discussion. Calling him by a sweet name, even when arguing, will not only help calm him down but show how much you care.

Another way to do this would be to utter his name in the midst of your moans when making love. This alone will drive him crazy and stay in his mind for longer.

Call Him Nice Names

Touch Him When He’s Not Expecting It

Touching your man sensually when he least expects it can help create a stronger connection.

You don’t necessarily have to overthink it, simply wrap your fingers around his when having a deep conversation or having dinner, or reach down his pockets for something, say keys. The sensation of your fingers fondling for the keys will drive him crazy.

Just don’t do it too often, or it’ll become a nuisance. Make a habit of running your fingers sensually around his ears, especially when busy with something, say in the garage, grilling, or working from home.

He will miss such moments when away and crave for you even more.

Learn how to hook a man with this little ‘secret’ trick, most women do not know.

Keep Him Guessing

While it is OK for your man to know most things about you, it would be best to keep him guessing on some things.

Keep some secrets to yourself, and surprise him whenever necessary. If he only knows the ‘saint’ part of you, surprise him with something nasty (as long as he’ll enjoy it).

Getting him something he has been craving to have, showing you your wild side in bed, etc., will go a long way in making him crave for you even more.

Discover the mysterious TEXT message that stuns men into loving you.

Keep him guessing

Respect His Space

While it’s every girl’s wish to be around her man, you need to know he still has a life and needs some alone time, especially with his ‘boys’.

Men love and adore women who respect their space and allow them to do the things they love with their friends and will appreciate you more if you do. Learn to make yourself unavailable at times.

If you’ve already had a couple of dates, learn to say no to some of them but promise to be available for the next.

Doing so should allow him time to miss you even more and make better plans.

Smell Good

Your personal hygiene, especially smell, can make or break your relationship.

Many things become apparent the more you spend time together, which is why you need to make sure you always smell good (or fresh) at all times.

Some men have a stronger sense of smell than others and will often be turned on by your scent, more importantly, if you wear a specific perfume. If you have a specific cologne that he likes, make a habit of wearing it whenever going for special events or even dates.

This alone can be a trigger and a reason for him to want to see or spend time with you.

You have to smell good

Make Memories Together

Love isn’t about going on dates or touring the world together, but rather the memories you make together.

Make time to do things together, both the things he likes and hates. Very few men like doing dishes, but doing it together can make it fun.

Don’t force him into doing them, but rather lend a helping hand or ask him nicely. Other things you can do include preparing meals together, hiking, visiting the elderly, or participating in a local event.

The fact that you can do something together will leave a mark on his mind, giving him a reason to invest even more in the relationship.

Do things together, create your memories

Conclusion attracting him more

Being there for your man in his lowest moments, spending time with him, and creating memories together are some of the ways you can make him want you more.

You also need to be true to him and not just pretend. Let him see you for who you are. If he’s interested, he will keep pursuing you and even want to spend the rest of his life with you.

Thus, you need to be smart and be ready to invest in the relationship for it to work.

Take time to learn the things he likes and do them together.
