Dating Tips For Him,  Get Your Ex Back

5 Signs That Your Ex-girl Friend Still Has Feelings for You

If you’re hung up on an ex and they show signs that they care about you, it’s normal to wonder whether they still love you. However, a simple act of kindness by your ex doesn’t outright mean that they still love you.

That said, you need to be certain whether or not your former girlfriend loves you before embarrassing yourself and breaking your heart. Luckily, several things can tell you if that girl still has feelings for you.

No matter if she does, or doesn’t show you these signs you can still win her back by following proven psychology methods. Some call them ‘sneaky psychology’ or ‘psychology tricks’, but regardless of their name, they work!

Which means you can implement them and win her love back! In fact she might beg you to have her back.

More on that further below..

Look out for these specific signs:

How Do You Know If Your Ex-Girlfriend Still Loves You?

  1. They Keep Reaching Out to You

Normally, when a relationship ends, the need to communicate regularly also ends. Not unless you and your ex share certain parenting or business responsibilities, there is no reason why you should talk daily. Late-night calls from an ex are particularly weird.

As such, if you notice that your ex always wants to keep in touch with you, it could be a sign! They could call you randomly or send you texts out of the blues to just check up on you. This is a major sign that they still have feelings for you.

How Do You Know If Your Ex-Girlfriend Still Loves You?
  1. They Still Offer Help Even When They Don’t Have to

There is nothing wrong with being helped by your ex-girlfriend especially in case of an emergency. For example, when your ex drives by and finds you stranded on the road, it would be normal for them to offer you a lift. This is especially the case for relationships that did not end on bad terms.

However, when a girl you previously dated keeps volunteering to help you, take it as a sign. When someone offers help even when you don’t need it, it means that they deeply care for you. It is their way of still staying in your life and being close to you.

5 Signs That Your Ex-girl Friend Still Has Feelings for You
  1. She Still Sends You Gifts

Once a relationship is over, you do not expect gifts or birthday cards from your ex. Otherwise, this would make it hard for you to move on as it puts off all other potential partners. In this light, if your ex still sends you gifts for your birthdays or other important days like Christmas, it could mean that they still love you.

Granted, people send gifts, flowers, and cards to people they love and treasure. Therefore, if yours are coming from an ex, it simply means that they cannot get you out of their mind.

  1. She Stays Close to Your Relatives and Friends

As indirect as this point may sound, it’s still a clue that your ex is interested in you. Exes, in most cases, will move on with their life which means they will no longer be in contact with your friends and, more so, your family.

After all, maintaining that connection is pointless if you’re now out of their lives. Therefore, staying in touch with your relatives and friends merely implies that they still have a sense of attachment to you. They may not want you back explicitly, but they do feel linked to you in some ways.

As a result, they have trouble cutting the ties you’ve established for them. If your ex still visits your mom or still hangs out with your siblings, they still haven’t completely moved on.

Ex girl Stays Close to Your Relatives and Friends
  1. They Keep Bringing Up Old Memories

Sometimes, people break up and remain close friends. However, even as friends the things you do and talk about completely change. For example, you cannot be talking about your past relationships or how things used to be.

If your ex is always taking you down memory lane whenever you meet, it could mean that they are still in love with you. More importantly, keep an eye on their body language and the tone they use when talking about the good old days. In addition, consider how many times they bring up the past when you are together.

Wind Up

There is no perfect manual for navigating love and relationships. This is why some people break up only to get back together and still end up having a strong relationship.

That said, if you are looking for signs of whether your ex still loves you, we hope that this article provides you with enough insight!

If you want to take control into your hands and get your ex girl back, you need to take action before it is too late.

Watch this video presentation and learn how to use the ‘secret psychology’ method right now.
