Get Your Ex Back

4 Examples of Guys Winning Back Their Ex Girlfriend After Break Up

Every relationship is different, and what works for one couple may not work for another.

Here are a few examples of things that guys have done to win back their ex-girlfriends. If you want to win your ex girl back, you can’t expect it to happen on it’s own. There are things the guy might need to commit to, in order to make it happen.

If you are serious to get your ex-girlfriend back after break up, reading articles online is not enough. Relationships are complected, and so are emotions. But there are some emotional techniques which can highly increase your chances for success. If you want to make her want you again, watch this video presentation and take action.

Making changes to address the issues that led to the breakup

Some guys have made changes to address the issues that led to the breakup, such as improving communication skills, seeking therapy, or working on personal growth. By showing their ex-girlfriends that they are willing to work on the issues that caused the breakup, they were able to rebuild trust and to win back their ex-girlfriends.

Here’s an example of a guy making changes to address the issues that led to the breakup:

John and Sarah had been together for two years when they broke up. John had always been a bit of a neat freak, and Sarah had always been more laid-back about household chores. This had caused some tension in their relationship, and Sarah had eventually decided that she couldn’t handle the constant nagging and criticism anymore.

After the breakup, John realized that he had taken his need for a clean and orderly home too far, and that he had not been considerate of Sarah’s feelings. He decided to seek therapy to work on his communication skills and to learn how to be more understanding and compassionate.

As John worked on himself, he also made an effort to show Sarah that he still cared about her and valued her. He sent her thoughtful messages and gifts, and he made an effort to be more understanding and considerate when they were together.

Over time, John’s changes began to make a difference, and Sarah started to see him in a new light. She realized that he had really made an effort to change and to be a better partner, and she decided to give their relationship another chance.

Thanks to John’s willingness to make changes and to work on the issues that led to the breakup, he was able to win back Sarah’s trust and to rekindle their relationship.

Want to learn smart ways to make her want you back? Watch here how to win her love again.

Showing their ex-girlfriends that they still care and value them

Some guys have been able to win back their ex-girlfriends by showing them that they still care and value them. This can involve things like sending thoughtful messages or gifts, or doing kind gestures to show that they are thinking of their ex-girlfriends.

Example showing care and value

Tom and Emily had been together for three years when they broke up. Tom had always been a bit of a workaholic, and he had not been paying enough attention to Emily and their relationship. Emily had eventually become fed up and had ended things.

After the breakup, Tom realized how much he had taken Emily for granted and how much he still cared about her. He decided to show her that he still valued her and their relationship. He started sending her thoughtful messages and gifts, and he made an effort to spend quality time with her whenever he could.

As Tom showed Emily that he still cared and valued her, she began to see him in a new light. She realized that he had really been making an effort to be more attentive and caring, and she decided to give their relationship another chance.

Still not sure what to do? How to win her back? Get the instant access to a step by step guide who to make her want you again. Watch the video presentation if you are serious to win your ex back.

Spending time together and rebuilding the friendship

Some guys have been able to win back their ex-girlfriends by spending time together and rebuilding the friendship. By showing their ex-girlfriends that they are still a positive presence in their lives, they were able to rekindle their relationships.

Example of rebuilding the friendship

Alex and Kate had been together for four years when they broke up. They had grown apart and had not been communicating well, and they had eventually decided that it was best to go their separate ways.

After the breakup, Alex and Kate remained friends and continued to spend time together. They enjoyed each other’s company and realized that they still had a strong connection.

As they spent more time together, Alex and Kate began to remember why they had fallen in love in the first place. They realized that they still had strong feelings for each other, and they decided to give their relationship another chance.

Being patient and understanding

Some guys have been able to win back their ex-girlfriends by being patient and understanding, and by respecting their ex-girlfriends’ feelings and decisions. By not being pushy or demanding, they were able to create a positive and healthy dynamic that allowed their relationships to thrive.

Example to being patient and understanding

Ryan and Lily had been together for five years when they broke up. They had been going through a difficult time, and Lily had needed some space to figure things out.

After the breakup, Ryan was heartbroken, but he decided to respect Lily’s feelings and to give her the space she needed. He remained patient and understanding, and he made an effort to stay in touch and to be a supportive friend.

As time went on, Lily realized how much Ryan cared about her and how much he was willing to support her. She began to see him in a new light, and she decided to give their relationship another chance.

Thanks to Ryan’s patience and understanding, he was able to win back Lily’s trust and to rekindle their relationship.

If you are unsure how much time you need to give, what to write, what to message your ex and when.. Don’t struggle, get the exact assistance that you need. Watch the video presentation and take action as explained.

Winning back your ex girl is not magic

Ultimately, the key to winning back an ex-girlfriend is to be sincere, genuine, and understanding, and to be willing to work on the issues that led to the breakup.

It’s important to respect your ex-girlfriend’s feelings and boundaries, and to be patient and understanding if she is not ready to get back together right away. If you have a clear guidance what to do, your chances of success will get much higher.