Happy Marriage,  Relationship Tips

Say 3 Things To Make Him Want You More

Are you in a relationship that is struggling?

If you have been with your boyfriend for many months, or even years, you may notice certain problems. One of the most common issues that couples struggle with is losing interest in each other.

At first, you may be attracted to them based upon their physical appearance.

However, as time goes by, both of you may want to part ways and go in separate directions.

However, if your goal is to not lose this relationship, there are certain things you can say that will inspire the relationship to continue.

Here are three things that you can say to your man every day to make him want to even more.

Compliments Are The Key

Compliments are one of the easiest ways to maintain any relationship.

In most cases, when people file for divorce, or breakout, it’s because they don’t think the other person cares. You can tell if they do or not based upon the words they are using.

You may bring up something of interest, and if they have no response, you are going to lose interest in them as well. Therefore, to start this process, comment on things they are talking about. Do so in a positive way.

The more that you do this, the more engaged they will be in their conversations.

Likewise, they will begin to ask you about what you like to do. They may even compliment you in regard to your achievements.

Always Make Eye Contact When Talking With Him

Making eye contact is so vitally important when you are in a relationship.

You can always tell if someone is interested in you or not based upon where they are looking. If they only glance at you and look the other way, it is obvious that they do not want to be there.

They could simply be disinterested in the things that you are talking about.

On the other hand, they can have something else, or someone else, on their mind that is distracting them. If you want to make sure that they know you are interested in them, always make direct eye contact.

These can lead to intimate moments that will rekindle their relationship.

However, it’s also the easiest way to tell if there is something wrong. By using direct eye contact with the person you are with, you can either change things for the better, especially in conversations that are important to both of you.

Always Make Eye Contact When Talking With Him

Ask Them Questions

Some have said that the quality of the questions in your life is the key to your success.

The questions that you ask the person you’re with can also make or break the relationship. Every day that you are with them, you should ask them questions about how they are, and what they are doing.

Ask them about hobbies that they have, or events that they are attending, to show that you are interested.

In fact, the questions that you are asking may not have anything to do with something you are interested in at all. By asking questions, you are engaging with this individual, to show them that you in some way care about the things that are important to them.

People that don’t ask questions are simply not interested in what other people are doing.

This is one of the easier ways to inspire a good relationship through the quality of the questions that you are asking.

Learn more techniques women use to drive their man into obsession about them. See video presentation.

Say 3 Things To Make Him Want You More

Make Positive Statements Every Day

One thing that is often missing from many relationships is a high volume of positive statements.

People are usually complaining about how cold it is, or bills they have to pay, and reserve positive statements for only special occasions.

However, instead of waiting for their birthday, or an anniversary if you are married, you should be positive and agreeable at all times. It’s natural for men to be attracted to people who have positive attitudes.

However, when you’re in a positive mood, you’re more likely to maintain your relationship with this man who actually does want to spend more time with you.

When you’re surrounded by positive energy, both of you are going to feel attracted to one another.

It’s hard to find a man who doesn’t appreciate a constant barrage of positive statements which is why you should make them as frequently as possible.

Make Positive Statements Every Day

Talk About Exciting Things Everyday

Men love excitement and new experiences, and they also like to hear about things that you would like to do.

If you want your man to become more attracted to you, try to be as adventurous as possible.

You may want to recommend doing new things, and telling them how much you would enjoy being with them when you go on these exciting excursions.

The key is to keep experimenting and to say new and exciting things every single day. This way, he’ll notice that you’re open to new ideas and have interests that may actually match up with things they want to do as well.

Let’s sum it up

By asking questions, staying positive, and offering compliments to them on a daily basis, you’re going to see a noticeable change in the way your man perceives you.

It’s also good to bring up exciting new things that both of you can do.

By using these three simple strategies, on things you can say every day, you can improve your relationship substantially using only the words that you say.

There are some ‘secret’ techniques not to many women know, using these texts on men triggers their inner instincts thus drawing men to these women dramatically. You can become irresistible too, watch this short video presentation.

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