Dating Tips For Her,  Get Your Ex Back,  Happy Marriage

10 Tips So He’ll Want You DESPERATELY!

Men often leave subtle hints as to what they want, but that doesn’t mean they’re easy to decipher or even straightforward for us women!

It’s only natural that if you have any type of a relationship with a guy, you want to make him want you more on a physical and emotional level.

You don’t have to play mind games or even seduce him because all you need are the following pieces of advice:

Make him want you desperately

  1. Give His Ego A Boost

Men want you to feed their ego and make them feel important in your life. Little texts that tell him you’re thinking of him or small compliments go a long way in making him feel the center of your universe.

Make sure that you never overdo this step as doing so will make you appear desperate and clingy. Of course, if all else fails, you can tell your man that you want him and that always does the trick!

  1. Send A Sexy Selfie

No, do not send your man nudes or updates of yourself every second of the day.

However, do send him a sexy selfie with a bit of mystery to get him to think of you.

Every so often, a quick text with a flirty pic can get him thinking of the next step in your relationship.

send him a sexy selfie with a bit of mystery
  1. Dress Yourself Confidently

Wear something sexy that hugs your figure and brings out your sexiest features. In fact, when you want to make him want you more, you can splurge on lingerie and really go to town!

When you wear a flirty mini skirt or those stunning high heels, you exude a sense of confidence that is instantly sexy and appealing to most men.

Do keep in mind that the purpose of this exercise is not to go overboard, but rather, to show your man what makes you extra special!

  1. Flirt With Your Body

How you use body language really determines how far your relationship can go.

Don’t forget the importance of using sexy body language and sending the right signals. Making sultry eye contact or even lightly brushing his arm can increase the sexual energy between the two of you.

As a side note, men do not really appreciate too much affection on display in public, so make sure to know when to rein it in and when to show your flirtatious side.

  1. Show Your Interest In His Life

Whether your man loves video games or collecting baseball cards, it’s important to show him that you enjoy his hobby and connect with him.

Even if you technically couldn’t care less about sports or comic books, try to understand them from his point of view. At the very least, give his hobbies a chance, and you may even find them growing on you!

In order to make him want you, you need to have common ground in your relationship, and that includes sharing hobbies together.

have common ground in your relationship

Get Your Perfume Out!

Sensual perfumes are a magnet for attraction when it comes to being with men. You’ve probably noticed when a guy smells sexy and amazing, right?

Well, men think much in the same way and notice a woman wearing sexy perfume!

Even if you have a perfume or a signature scent that you wear daily, invest in a new perfume that amps of the sex appeal.

  1. Avoid Becoming Clingy

Men want some mystery in a relationship, so it’s important to show him that your universe doesn’t necessarily revolve around his affection.

This means that next time he texts you, wait a bit before texting back.

Give him time to miss you a little and of course, never forget the importance of having friends outside of your relationship.

Show confidence and most importantly, demonstrate a sense of freedom as men find nothing sexier than a woman who knows her own mind.

You can watch THIS video presentation to learn a ‘little spell’ to not to many women know, about this nature’s trick to triggering a man’s chase instinct, and how to “activate” his male ego to make you an irresistible partner.

  1. Leave Little Gifts Behind

Show him that he means something to you and you’re thinking of him by leaving treats behind regularly.

A small note on the fridge or his favorite candy bar can go a long way in letting him know that you care and you’re paying attention.

Small gestures are seen as endearing and you instantly become more memorable when you’re actually committed to caring about his feelings.

  1. Bring Out His Jealous Side

When you’re in a relationship, especially in a long-term one, it’s important not to let feelings grow stale.

Get him to feel jealous, and most importantly, if a guy flirts with you, let him know about it!

By telling your guy about the fact that other men are into you, you’re showing off that you’re a good catch and reminding him that you’re pretty and worth keeping around.

Get him to feel jealous you're pretty and worth keeping around
  1. Show Him A Fully Lived Life

Perhaps the easiest way to get him to understand what a catch you are is to simply show him that you have a full social life and your own set schedule.

If your man is busy on Wednesday and can’t go on a date, show him that you’re going out with your friends and also having a good time.

Never appear clingy or as if you have nothing better to do than pine over him.

You Need to Take Action

You will find that men aren’t always the easiest to fully understand. They are complex beings and what makes sense one minute, simply doesn’t the next!

Once you exude a sexy sense of self, show confidence, and act the part of a social butterfly, he will instantly feel that attraction towards you.

That being said, most men have a common shared instinct. It’s super powerful. Once you know how to use it, you can make men crave about you and be obsessed to be close to you.

Watch the video presentation to implement it in your relationship.
