Get Your Ex Back

10 Creative Ways to Get Your Ex-Girlfriend Attention Again

If you want to win her attention again, and hopefully to win your ex girl back, here are some things you must consider. First we will place the main structure to what to do in general then we will give some creative ideas how you can get her attention, whether on school or collage.

What to Do to Make Her Notice You Again

Show her that you still care about her and value her

It’s important to show your ex-girlfriend that you still care about her and value her as a person. This can involve things like sending her thoughtful messages or gifts, or doing kind gestures to show that you are thinking of her.

Show her that you are doing well and are happy

If your ex-girlfriend sees that you are doing well and are happy, it may pique her curiosity and make her more interested in you again. It’s important to remember, however, that it’s not healthy to try to win someone back by pretending to be someone you are not. Don’t look for pity and be helpless and clingy, it is a big turn off to most girls.

Try to spend time with her in a casual, non-romantic setting

If your ex-girlfriend is open to spending time with you, it can be helpful to spend time with her in a casual, non-romantic setting. This can help to rebuild your friendship and to show her that you are still a positive presence in her life.

Ultimately, the key to getting your ex-girlfriend’s attention again is to show her that you are willing to work on the issues that led to the breakup and that you still care about her and value her.

Reading articles online will not bring her back, if you really want to bring her back and want to get all the advantage and shortcuts to success, watch the video presentation and follow the suggested steps inside.

How To Get Your Ex Girl Attention After Break up

Be Creative! Show Her You Invested Time and Thoughts In Her

Here are a few creative ideas for getting your ex-girlfriend’s attention in school or college:

Write her a handwritten note

A handwritten note can be a thoughtful and personal way to get your ex-girlfriend’s attention. You can write about your feelings or about something specific that you want to say to her. We are so used to send text messages, but they seem so effortless. Make her feel special. Long ago women kept handwritten love notes for years!

Create a playlist for her

If your ex-girlfriend enjoys music, you could create a playlist for her that includes songs that are meaningful to you or that you think she would enjoy. Knowing you invested the time to search songs, and get the best music she likes, is a fine creative way to show her you care and know her.

Make her a small gift

A small, handmade gift can be a thoughtful and personal way to get your ex-girlfriend’s attention. It could be something as simple as a drawing, a poem, or a craft that you have made especially for her. A short poem may have more effect because it triggers high emotions knowing you crafted a small song with her in mind. It will make her feel very special and she may want ‘more of that’.

Invite her to do something together

If your ex-girlfriend is open to spending time with you, you could invite her to do something together, such as going to a walk or a coffee shop. It’s important to keep things casual and non-romantic at first and to respect her feelings and boundaries.

Ask her friends for help

If you are having trouble getting your ex-girlfriend’s attention, you could ask her friends for help. They may be able to give you ideas or to help you communicate with her more effectively. It’s important to be respectful and to ask for help in a non-manipulative way.

Write her a love letter

A heartfelt letter can be a meaningful and personal way to express your feelings to your ex-girlfriend. You can write about why you still care about her and what you miss about your relationship. Some girls react to such letters and will call to say thank you or to express their feelings. It might be just the moment you need to step back.

If you are unsure what to write, get the full guide to winning your girlfriend back, learn more about it here.

Do something kind for her

Doing something kind for a girl can be a thoughtful and meaningful way to show her that you care. This could be something as simple as making her breakfast to school or something more elaborate like planning a surprise song or clip. This can be a fun and personal way to show her that you are thinking of her.

Plan a surprise outing

Planning a surprise outing can be a fun and unexpected way to get your ex-girlfriend’s attention. You could plan something that you know she would enjoy, such as going to a theme park or a concert. Ask her if she would like to join you.

Make a collage or scrapbook for her

A collage or scrapbook can be a creative and personal way to show your ex-girlfriend that you are thinking of her. You can include pictures, mementos, and other items that are meaningful to the both of you. It’s not the size or the money you invest that may melt her heart, it’s the time and thoughts which will do the magic thing.

Invite her to do something together

If your ex-girlfriend is open to spending time with you, you could invite her to do something together, such as going to a museum or a coffee shop. It’s important to keep things casual and non-romantic at first and to respect her feelings and boundaries. If enough time has passed from the break up, she might say yes, which may indicate that she does not see you as ‘an enemy’ which is a good sign.

Winning an Ex Girl Back May Not Succeed

It’s important to remember that it’s not always possible to get an ex-girlfriend’s attention, and it’s important to respect her feelings and decisions. However, by being sincere, thoughtful, and genuine, you may be able to rekindle your relationship.

If you want a full guide how to win her back and how to get her to want you back again, watch this video presentation and take action. Other guys have succeeded, there is no reason why you should not.

get the chances to work in your favor.